Jay-Z Allegations: Impact on Trust and Culture: ANIMA Framework Analysis

Bartie Musa Commentary: Now the ANIMA Framework is an educational platform to spread Yahawah’s truth. I’m not too big on “dog piling” a fellow “black”(Judah) man. However in this case we hope to use Jay-Z’s fame and popularity for a higher good. And that’s to funnel more eyes and souls into Yahawah’s truth. ANIMA Framework […]
The Fall of Assad and Syria’s New Power Dynamic ANIMA Framework Analysis: In-Depth Exploration of Syria’s Power Shift
Bartie Musa Commentary: As believers we continue to watch as the prophetic events unfold before our eyes. All these things must come to pass before the return of our Lord Yahawashi. Let’s get into the ANIMA analysis of the situation in Syria. Lord willing these unique insights add value to your knowledgebase. ANIMA Framework Analysis: […]