The Unfolding Tragedy of a Young Female Shooter – A Massacre in Madison: ANIMA Framework Analysis

Bartie Musa Commentary: WOW!! In a shocking twist of fate it’s been revealed the Killer from yesterday’s school shooting is none other than a 15 year old girl! This DEMANDS an updated ANIMA Framework analysis so that we can peel back the multi-dimensional layers behind this tragic event. anima framework: rooted in yahawah’s truth A […]

The Science of Salvation: What is Salvation? An ANIMA Framework Analysis

Bartie Musa Commentary: This series is to help dispel all the confusion surrounding the very real and pertinent concept of Salvation. Straight up….Salvation is being SAVED by Yahawashi through divine intervention upon the FINAL DAY OF Babylon which is known as the “Day of the LORD” at the height of WW3 when the nuclear missiles […]

A Massacre in Madison: The Dark Resonance of Modern Society

Bartie Musa Commentary: Another day, another mass shooting here in America. This time multiple people were killed after a shooting at the Abundant Life Christian School in Madison, Wisconsin. This article goes into an ANIMA Framework analysis of the situation, giving unique insights into this terrible, and absolutely horrible societal disease known as “mass shootings” […]
