Shattered Trust—Nurse Erin Strotman’s Abuse of Premature Babies Exposes Medical Racism and Systemic Corruption

Bartie Musa Commentary: This is just absolutely disgusting. Even doing this article makes my blood boil. This wicked demonic twisted racist Shedomite named Erin Elizabeth Ann Strotman has been arrested and denied bond. It has came out she has been intentionally and savagely abusing, committing violence upon, and breaking the bones of NEW BORNS!! However […]
AI and A.I.—Adamic Intelligence Enhances Artificial Intelligence Through ANIMA Framework

Bartie Musa Commentary: I came up with the algorithm for the ANIMA Framework just a few months ago, near the end of September 2024. This complex, recursive, living algorithm is how my own mind works. Analyzing every little thing from multiple angles and dimensions simultaneously. After being able to somehow codify all these “thought codes” […]
The Male Suicide Epidemic—Why Are Men Taking Their Own Lives?

Bartie Musa Commentary: Deaths of despair they call them, others have called it a suicide epidemic. What is going on in Babylon causing men to give up the ghost at a high rate? Surrounded by wealth, power, privilege. A living standard that most of the “3rd” world could only dream of. Yet and still, at […]
Virgin Mary Doctrine EXPOSED—Pagan Worship Masquerading as Biblical Truth

Bartie Musa Commentary: Whether it is the Latin tribes, or the “blacks” you Israelites from all 12 tribes are obsessed with your false “Virgin” Mary doctrine. You believe in ridiculous notions that a ghost impregnated Mary while she was betrothed to Joseph. Where you people come up with these with these fairy tales traces back […]
Mars Unveiled: Plasma Luminary or Rocky Planet?

Bartie Musa Commentary: Wasn’t Elon Musk trying to Colonize mars? He must of received a CIA briefing that Mars is not a physical rocky planet, but rather a plasma based luminary. They know, Musk knows, it’s you who does not know. You believe anything they tell you…after all how can you confirm? LOL But if […]
Chaos in Korea—Impeached Leader Defies Arrest and Declares Martial Law!

Bartie Musa Commentary: Uh oh! Trouble in the Korean penninsula as the situation continues to spiral out of control. I’m sure we’ve all heard by now President Yoon Suk Yeol is being impeached for declaring martial law as a power grab. He’s wanted for questioning and there have been attempts to arrest him. Emphasis on […]
Jeremy Reaves’ Proposal Triggers Social Media Backlash

Bartie Musa Commentary: Oh boy… it’s that time of the year again. A “black” man has gotten with a Becky and social media is in an uproar. Not all of social media mind you, the only ones who truly care about the situation are the haughty daughters of Zion. We all wonder why they’re so […]
The Globe Deception: How Sci-Fi and Media Tricked You Into Believing in Space

Bartie Musa Commentary: Listen brothers… I know. Reality is so much more stranger than the science fiction you’ve been taught and indoctrinated into from as soon as you were born. You’ve been constantly exposed to globes, maps, science fiction, grade school indoctrination, and cultural reinforcement. The amount of propaganda you’ve consumed is truly off the […]
If 99% of Data Moves Through Cables—What’s the Purpose of Satellites?

Bartie Musa Commentary: This is a great question, which goes right along the lines of our previous article on the orbit deception. We know satellites are not in “outer space” orbiting the Earth. Instead they are contained within the firmament hovering right around the ionosphere whether under or just around the Karman line. Satellites are […]
The Truth About Hell—Bible vs. Pagan Myths

Bartie Musa Commentary: HELL! One of the most persistent existential fears present today. A completely FALSE doctrine which has pervaded and gripped the minds of the people like a psycho-spiritual virus. How many people have gone out of their wits thinking “If I do this, i’m going to burn in hell forever and ever!” What […]