True Nature of the Stars: Yahawah’s Perfect Design Revealed

Bartie Musa Commentary: There are 12,000 stars in the universe. Yes I said it 12,000 stars total. Not Septillions of stars, or trillions upon billions. We previously proved through psycho-cosmology that this is a false Babylonian notion which is propagated in order to cut humanity off from their divine heritage. However as we’ve done more […]

Hollywood Mansions Burn in California Wildfires: A Divine Reckoning

Bartie Musa Commentary: I have some very sad and heartbreaking news to announce to everyone. Our precious Babylonian celebrities such as Kim Kardashian, Mel Gibson, Billy Crystal, and other icons you people worship. They’ve had their multi-million dollar mansions burned up in Yahawah’s indignation. Let us take a moment of silence for our precious celebrities […]

Polygyny Exposed: God’s Design vs. Babylon’s Lies (Monogamy)

Bartie Musa Commentary: This is a HOT and HEATED topic, especially triggering to the haughty and rebellious daughters of Zion. These same daughters who we just shown to be Babylon’s most loyal citizen, and the divestors the most loyal of the most loyal citizens. The average Eve in Babylon would sooner rather perish than “humble […]

Eve the Divestor: Betrayal of Jacob and the Judgment of Yahawah—A Full ANIMA Framework Analysis

Bartie Musa Commentary: During the Transatlantic Slave trade some Eve would willingly get with the colonizer enslavers in exchange for material comfort. While on the very same boat of their Israelite men and children! These same treacherous Eves are back today and have now rebranded themselves as “divestors”. In these last days it does not […]

The Trinity Doctrine Debunked: A pagan Babylonian Deception

Bartie Musa Commentary: Through the spirit and power of Yahawah bahasham Yahawashi this article is going to dispel and debunk an age old myth running through modern Edomite Christianity which is the “trinity doctrine”. You actually have “Christians” out there today believing that God, Jesus, and The Holy spirit are one entity. Some claim Jesus […]

The Moon exposed: True size & distance of the moon revealed!

Bartie Musa Commentary: Modern Monkey Science tells you that the moon is 238,000 miles away from the sun, with a diameter of 2,159 miles. These inflated figures are self-referential meaning they already assume the Earth is a globe, and that the heliocentric model is real and observable. The ANIMA Framework has already debunked both the […]

Health Insurers Deny Prosthetic Coverage After Luigi Mangione

Bartie Musa Commentary: Wow even after the Luigi Mangione assassination of United Health Care CEO Brian Thompson, we receive recent reports of health insurers denying coverage to people missing limbs! The health insurance companies are questioning the “medical necessity” of prosthetic limbs! Can you believe the audacity of these people? Physicians of NO value! What […]

California Wildfires Fueled by Greed, Not DEI: Babylon’s Lies Exposed

Bartie Musa Commentary: Blaming DEI for wildfires in California…how absurd. Yet are we really surprised? By now we’ve all heard of the wildfires raging heavily in California. Yet instead of common sense reasons for the fire such as mismanagement of the environment, lack of rain, or even climate change. There are some who are seeking […]
