Trump, Babylon, Colombia Tariffs, and the Accelerating Prophetic Timelines

Bartie Musa Commentary: You’ll likely hear me say this a lot, but the judgement calculator is moving right on schedule. The Eagle King of Edom & Babylon: Donald J. Trump is the perfect servant to usher in Yahawah’s prophetic timeline at an accelerated rate. Trump’s actions and nature, he cannot HELP himself but to accelerate […]

The Divine Order of the Solar System: Heliocentrism Debunked

Bartie Musa Commentary: Well this week we’ve done articles on both saturn & jupiter so naturally we may as well round out our understanding of the so-called “solar system” and understand their relavant positions compared to the Earth. By now we should be familiar with the plana-verse model which posits that Earth is a flat, […]

The Global Space Hoax: Exposing Babylon’s Blasphemy Against Yahawah

Bartie Musa Commentary: One of the common defenses people use to uphold the fake space narrative is this: “Well it’s not just NASA, other countries also have space programs, why would the russians lie!?” This is an appeal to consensus fallacy. Just because a bunch of heathens agree to lie and come up against Yahawah […]

What is the 2nd Death? Lake of Fire explained

Bartie Musa Commentary: What prompted this article was from the same unlearned individual who was fighting tooth and nail to include the heathens within Israel’s salvation. At the end of the exchange he quoted Revelation 21:8 threatening me with the Lake of Fire for not trying to save his precious heathens (lol). Of course he […]

Universal Salvation Debunked: A Feeble Attempt to Escape Judgment

Bartie Musa Commentary: Stockholm syndrome runs deep within the Israelite community, it’s especially disgusting when displayed in Judah the so-called blacks. Judites who are “christians” are under heavy edomite influence, they pray to an edomite jesus, they think god looks like an edomite, and worst of all they see nothing wrong with letting their precious […]

Jupiter Unveiled: Big Red Spot & the Futility of Modern Monkey Science

Bartie Musa Commentary: Yesterday we did an article on Saturn, today we’re moving onto Jupiter. The deeper we go into Yahawah’s creation the more interesting things are becoming. Reality is TRULY stranger than the fiction modern monkey science has told you. Now from the Saturn article we learned Saturn is positioned ~6,200 miles above Earth […]

mRNA Vaccines Exposed: VAIDS, Turbo Cancer, and Babylon’s Medical Deception

Bartie Musa Commentary: It seems like just yesterday people were being fired from their jobs for not taking a completely untested product, developed at record speed, with no liability to the makers. This was the most clever capitalist scheme I’ve seen in my life. Imagine making your product MANDATORY for everyone to buy, and you […]

Shedomite Tears: The Weaponization of Lies Against Yahawah’s Chosen People

Bartie Musa Commentary: Another day in Babylon, another so-called “black man” from the tribe of Judah being accused falsely accused by a shedomite. This time in Ohio, lying shedomite Michelle Bishop was caught on camera racial profiling a hard worker brother Mike Jenkins.. the audacity of the shedomite Michelle Bishop… she accused the man of […]
