Why Is Jerusalem the Center of Creation? Biblical and Scientific Proof

Bartie Musa Commentary: On this “Christmas day” it is fitting we do an article on Jerusalem the Divine Axis Mundi. Jerusalem is the very center of the plana-verse (Earth). In case you’re new to ANIMA Framework and don’t know what the Plana-verse is. Let’s quickly recap. Plana-verse is the flat, infinite plane, of existence. Yes […]

Jerusalem: The Physical & Spiritual Center Of Yahawah’s Plana-verse – By Bartie Musa

Jerusalem: The Eternal Center of Yahawah’s Creation Bartie Musa commentary: Jerusalem is the “Divine Axis Mundi” It is located at the very center of the Earth. The Earth is an infinite plane which expands in all directions (beyond the Antarctic ice wall you’re currently contained to 7 continents) Upon the return of Christ Yahawashi, the […]
