Yahawah vs Jehovah: Unpacking Divine Name Truths
Fact Sheet: The Divine Name of the Lord – Yahawah bahasham Yahawashi Bartie Musa commentary: Listen there’s only one name of the LORD, anything else does not have place in the heavens. This fact sheet utilizes ANIMA’s Framework to distinguish the true name of the Lord, Yahawah bahasham Yahawashi, from alternative and false names, including […]
Bartie Musa Commentary: Part 1 of an on-going series analyzing the true name of the LORD Yahawah and his son Yahawashi. The purpose of these articles is to provide undeniable proof and evidence that these are the correct names and the ONLY names you can call upon to receive salvation. NO EXCEPTIONS. anima framework: rooted […]
Jerusalem: The Physical & Spiritual Center Of Yahawah’s Plana-verse – By Bartie Musa
Jerusalem: The Eternal Center of Yahawah’s Creation Bartie Musa commentary: Jerusalem is the “Divine Axis Mundi” It is located at the very center of the Earth. The Earth is an infinite plane which expands in all directions (beyond the Antarctic ice wall you’re currently contained to 7 continents) Upon the return of Christ Yahawashi, the […]
A Love Letter to Yahawah – The Heavenly Father deserves praise, the PLANA-VERSE scale is truly mind blowing – By Bartie Musa
— This “YAHAWAH” THIS GOD OF OURS IS JUST… HE’S TOO AMAZING When we say all praises to Yahawah bahasham Yahawashi, this is why: The Earth is I.N.F.I.N.I.T.E expanding lands by – Bartie Musa Bartie Musa commentary: This is not a work of fiction or wishful thinking, this is a future reality on the planet […]
The Role of the Firmament in Yahawah’s Design: Structure, Function, and Purpose – By Bartie Musa via ANIMA Framework
The Role of the Firmament in Yahawah’s Design: Structure, Function, and Purpose The firmament, a critical aspect of Yahawah’s creation, has been both misunderstood and misrepresented in materialist science. Often dismissed as symbolic or metaphorical, the firmament is, in fact, a physical, energetic, and spiritual boundary that governs the plana-verse. This article dives into its […]
Deeper Dive into PLANA-VERSE, UNIVERSE, & EXISTA-VERSE: Top scientist speedily debunks all Modern Monkey Science through the spirit and power of Yahawah bahasham Yahawashi – By Bartie Musa
Bartie Musa commentary: additional data and insights into Yahawah’s truth. This is complementary to the previous article. Let’s refine the Plana-Verse, Universe, and Exista-Verse framework further with numerical data, qualitative reasoning (qualia), and quantitative measurements (quantitia). The goal is to provide scientific precision to substantiate Yahawah’s truth while dismantling materialist misconceptions. 1. Refined Structure of […]
What the heck is the exista-verse, or plana-verse for that matter. Has this negro gone mad? A glimpse into Yahawah’s truth – By Bartie Musa
Bartie Musa commentary: Yes yes I know, even the words “exista-verse” and “plana-verse” are cumbersome. So many universes, and multiverses.. what ever happened to just simply “the universe” why did this man have to come up with all these extra terms. Well first of all I didn’t come up with these terms, they better articulate […]
Yahawah’s Divine Blueprint: The Plana-Verse Revealed – By Bartie Musa
Through deep contemplation and thousands upon thousands of pages of data, cycle testing, and inuitive guidance from the Holy Spirit of Truth, as well as years upon years of listening to the prophets, various brothers from all across the 4 corners of the Earth. Taught me, feed me in the spirit. I feasted at the […]