Amalek, the Khazarian Converts, and the Greatest Identity Theft – From Ancient Times to Modern Israel

Bartie Musa Commentary: Didn’t Kanye West lose almost $2 billion dollars for calling out the 1948 crew as not being the real people of Yahawah? Well that should give us a hint right there as to how fragile their claim to Yahawah’s fame is if they’re so easily threatened by the truth. Unfortunately for them […]
The Complete History of Esau Edom, Neanderthals, Amalek, & Babylon the Great—From Genesis to Revelation

Bartie Musa Commentary: One of the most heavily shrouded, covered, and opaque mysteries currently on the planet Earth is the history of these Edomites. Where did they come from, why are they here, what is their true history, etc. etc. It’s not easy to pin-point these people’s origins and trace them with end-to-end coherence from […]
PICNICS – THE GRUESOME TRUTH BEHIND AMERICA’S “PASTIME”: Shameful Spewing Upon thy glory pt. 5

Bartie Musa Commentary: As we continue the shameful spewing upon thy glory series, we are now going to continue the inquisition into Esau Edom’s innumerable crimes and atrocities. Picnics have long been recognized as a happy time, a time where families could gather together, enjoy nice weather, share foods & drinks. However the dark origin […]