The Truth About the Northern Kingdom: Rediscovering Their Journey in Light of Yahawah’s Wisdom – LATIN INDIAN TRIBES

Bartie musa Commentary: After debunking deep-time and proving the Earth is only 6,000 years old this completely throws out the Alaskan Land bridge theory which says Native latin and american Indians come from ASIA! This is obviously not true and impossible, the Northern Kingdom (Native and Latin tribes) come from the middle east (Israel) along […]

Timeline of the Northern Kingdom’s History

Bartie Musa Commentary: Northern kingdom brothers and sisters the Earth is only 6,000 years old. You did not come from an Alaskan land bridge. Timeline of the Northern Kingdom: From Post-Flood to 1492 This timeline tracks the movement and history of the Northern Kingdom of Israel from the post-flood era to their arrival in the […]
