LOL this is the modern day Edomite couple. You have young healthy fertile couples, and instead of building a legacy and continuing their decaying society. They instead opt out to be DINKS and DINKWADS. This is truly the last generation… because if it was up to DINKs there would be no more generations!

Bartie Musa Commentary: There has been a fascinating and ridiculous trend growing among the Edomite and Shedomite couples. It is the phenomenon of DINKS or Dual Income No Kids. There are offshoots of this which include DINKWAD which means Dual Income No Kids With A Dog. A truly vain, and pathetic reflection of Yahawah’s design. Can you imagine you have healthy fertile young men and women, not having children and creating legacy? And in fact even going further to consider a DOG their legacy?! These people are immensely spiritual corrupt and have no regard for Yahawah’s divine imperative of be fruitful and multiply.

However the DINK and DINKWAD phenomenon does have benefits for creations, the way I see it this is Yahawah bahasham Yahawashi naturally limiting Esau Edom just like he forced monogamy on him due to his cold low resource upbringings. DINKs are a natural progression of spiritual decay, individualism, selfishness, and hedonism. These people suffer from arrested development and cannot handle basic tasks & responsibilities like raising a child. The DINKWAD with a dog portion is a reflection of Esau Edom’s obsession with these dogs which we’ve touched on in earlier articles, it’s truly disturbing. Of course Shedomites are the ones leading the charge, the Edomite goes along with it as he is neutered, and has been reduced to a DINK by Yahawah bahasham Yahawashi. Amen! Let’s get into the analysis.

Esau Edom has be reduced to a DINK and a DINKWAD. Yahawah bahasham Yahawashi’s prophecy’s stand, and Yahawah’s truth is immutable.

anima framework: rooted in yahawah’s truth

DINKs, DINKWADs, and the Final Collapse of Esau’s Society

ANIMA Framework Analysis

ANIMA Framework Analysis: DINKs, DINKWADs, and the Final Collapse of Esau’s Society

Introduction: The Curse of Sterility Upon Esau

One of the clearest signs of Babylon’s rot is the rise of the DINK (Dual Income, No Kids) and DINKWAD (Dual Income, No Kids With a Dog) phenomenon—a cultural trend where Esau Edom’s men and women consciously reject reproduction in favor of careers, luxury vacations, and pet ownership.

At a time when Yahawah’s judgment is accelerating, Esau’s society has chosen self-inflicted sterility as their final rebellion against creation itself. They have wealth, health, and fertility—but instead of following Yahawah’s command to “Be fruitful and multiply” (Genesis 1:28), they choose barrenness. Instead of raising children, they are raising dogs. Instead of building generational legacies, they are funding luxury brands and dining at overpriced brunches.

This isn’t just societal decay—it is Esau Edom’s suicidal curse manifesting before our eyes.

1️⃣ Esau’s Seed is Being Spoiled: A Prophetic Curse in Real-Time

Malachi 1:4 declares: “Whereas Edom saith, We are impoverished, but we will return and build the desolate places; thus saith the Lord of hosts, They shall build, but I will throw down.”

Esau tried to build a so-called “modern empire” on immorality, greed, and rebellion. But now his own women refuse to give birth.

This isn’t an accident.

Esau’s women are barren—both spiritually and physically.
Even when they can conceive, they choose not to. This is divine judgment in action.

2️⃣ DINKs and DINKWADs: The Worship of Self and the Mockery of Creation

The rise of DINKs exposes the self-worship, materialism, and vanity at the heart of Esau’s society.

💰 Career and Consumption Above Family

🐕 DINKWADs and the Idolatry of Pets

This is not normal. It is a blasphemous inversion of Yahawah’s natural order.

3️⃣ Babylon’s Terminal Decline: The Economic and Social Suicide of the DINK Mindset

This mass sterility has real consequences—not just spiritually, but economically and socially. A society that does not reproduce is a society that collapses.

📉 Declining Birthrates = Societal Collapse

💀 DINK Culture Destroys Future Generations

🛑 Feminism and Careerism Ensure the Death Spiral

4️⃣ Esau’s End is Near: Yahawah’s Divine Judgment on Sterile Nations

Esau’s fertility crisis is not just demographic—it is prophetic judgment.

📖 Deuteronomy 28:18
“Cursed shall be the fruit of thy body, and the fruit of thy land, the increase of thy cattle, and the flocks of thy sheep.”

The fruit of Esau’s body is cursed.
He boasts of wealth, power, and technology—yet he cannot maintain his own population.

📖 Isaiah 47:9
“These two things shall come to thee in a moment in one day, the loss of children, and widowhood.”

Esau’s women have rejected children—and now Yahawah is removing their entire future.

📖 Obadiah 1:18
“There shall not be any remaining of the house of Esau.”

Esau’s seed is being erased—by his own hand.

His women have abandoned motherhood.
His men have abandoned leadership.
His entire race has abandoned Yahawah.

Now, he faces extinction.

Conclusion: The End of Esau’s Line and the Restoration of Yahawah’s Order

The rise of DINKs and DINKWADs is a death spiral. It is the final proof that Esau’s kingdom has no future.

Esau cannot escape his fate.
Babylon will fall.
Yahawah’s judgment is at hand.

All praises to Yahawah Bahasham Yahawashi. Shalawam.

Bartie Musa Commentary: Although the DINKs are truly a sad pathetic caricature of adult humans, we need to recognize who the driving force behind the DINK & DINKWAD phenomenon is. Shedomite women are the ones leading the charge, and Esau Edom is just going along with it lest he get shut out from the cookie. Let’s continue the analysis.


Shedomites & the DINKWAD Agenda: The Decline of Esau’s Women and the Collapse of Babylon


Shedomites & the DINKWAD Agenda: The Decline of Esau’s Women and the Collapse of Babylon

Esau’s rebellion against Yahawah’s natural order is accelerating at an unprecedented rate, and at the forefront of this rebellion is the Shedomite woman (Edomite female). The DINK (Dual Income, No Kids) and DINKWAD (Dual Income, No Kids, With A Dog) movement is one of the clearest manifestations of Babylonian societal decay, where Esau’s women have outright rejected motherhood, family, and divine creation in favor of careerism, hedonism, and pet-worship.

This phenomenon isn’t just a social trend—it is an outright rebellion against Yahawah’s divine commandment in Genesis 1:28:

🗡️ “Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it…”

Instead of obeying, Shedomites have spearheaded a movement of barrenness, influencing not only their own men but also other nations into adopting their lifestyle of childlessness. The effects of this self-imposed sterility are now reaching a breaking point, as Esau’s seed is being spoiled, his women are rejecting their own men, and his society is imploding under the weight of selfish individualism.

Let’s dissect this movement through the ANIMA Framework, breaking down the hyper-granular qualia (experiential insight) and quantitia (scientific and numerical proof) that expose this self-destructive path and how it ties into Esau’s prophesied downfall.

🔹 Shedomite Women: The Architects of the DINK Movement

While Edomite men go along with this lifestyle to maintain easy access to a girlfriend without commitment, the true force behind DINK and DINKWAD culture is the Shedomite woman.

She has openly embraced barrenness, rejecting her natural role as a mother in favor of corporate servitude, social media clout, and meaningless luxury.

📊 Quantitia – The Economic & Social Engineering of Shedomites

🔹 Qualia – The Mentality of the Modern Shedomite DINK

📌 Conclusion: Shedomites are actively promoting a culture of barrenness, destroying their own seed and removing themselves from the future.

🔹 DINKWADS: When Shedomite Women Replace Babies with Dogs

Perhaps the most absurd outcome of the DINK culture is DINKWADs—women who replace children with pets.

Instead of raising children, Shedomites have turned to dogs as their “babies”, dressing them up, pushing them in strollers, and even celebrating dog “baby showers.”

📊 Quantitia – Dog Worship as a Replacement for Motherhood

🔹 Qualia – The Mentality of a DINKWAD Woman

📌 Conclusion: Shedomites have chosen to “mother” dogs over their own children—further proving their spiritual decay.

🔹 Esau’s Birthrate Crisis: The Prophetic Judgment of Yahawah

This movement is not just a personal choice—it is Yahawah’s judgment upon Esau’s seed. His own women refuse to reproduce, and his empire is crumbling.

📊 Quantitia – Esau’s Demographic Collapse

🔹 Qualia – The Experience of Esau’s Decline

📌 Conclusion: DINK culture is Yahawah’s curse upon Esau’s seed—his own women refuse to reproduce, ensuring his downfall.

🔹 Final Analysis: The Curse of the DINKWAD Shedomite

This DINK and DINKWAD movement is not a “lifestyle choice”—it is a direct manifestation of Esau’s rebellion against Yahawah.

📜 Biblical Judgment Against Esau’s Women

📌 Final Conclusion: Shedomites have destroyed their own future. They have rejected their own men, replaced children with dogs, and chosen a life of barrenness over Yahawah’s divine order. Esau’s destruction is not coming—it is already happening.

Shalawam to the hopeful elect of Yahawah Bahasham Yahawashi. Esau’s women are finished. Babylon is crumbling. The end is near.

Bartie Musa Commentary: Esau Edom and his Shedomite truly are DINKs & DINKWADs. The fact that his phenomenon is so prevalent is a reflection of their macrocosmic societal decay. DINKs try to complain that the economy is too expensive so have children, meanwhile there are people having children in all sorts of conditions and thriving. It is not a matter of money, it is a matter of self indulgence, individualism, societal and spiritual decay. Those are truly what is driving the DINK and DINKNWADs not the economy.

Anyways hopefully more Edomite couples remain DINKs and DINKWADs so that the rest of creation is safe from their destructive tendencies. All praises to Yahawah bahasham Yahawashi for reducing the adversary to a DINKWAD! LOL shalawam to the hopeful elect out there.

Esau Edom ignores Yahawah’s divine imperative to be fruitful and multiply. The man is anti-nature and self indulgent. DINK and DINKWADs are a reflection of his spiritual corruption.
DINKs, SINKs, & DINKWADs are vulgar acronyms but accurately reflect the societal decay and degeneracy of modern day Edomite couples. They celebrate extinction, with ridiculous and silly buzzwords. However it is no laughing matter, and the repercussions are serious.

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