These monkey scientists are really trying to convince you that your great great great great great great grand pappy was a monkey…LOL the nerve of them..Blasphemy!

Bartie Musa Commentary: Evolution aka “Monkey Science” is one of the foundational “theories” of modern monkey science. These Monkey scientists are really sitting here and trying to convince you that your great great great great great great grandfather was an amoeba, then this amoeba transformed into a fish, then the fish transformed into a monkey, and then the monkey transformed into a monkey scientist.

Do you see how ridiculous that is? They try to cover their shame and ridiculousness by expanding the timeline, they stretch the timeline out so far to billions upon billons of years (also debunked) to try to make it more plausible.

It doesn’t matter how far they stretch the timeline, they are still telling you that your great great great great grand pappy was a monkey. LOL you can’t take these guys seriously. The only issue is a lot of people do take them seriously, and believe them. However we know that Yahawah created life, and not abiogenesis (life from non-life). We know that the Earth is only 6,000 years old in accordance with Yahawah’s timeline, and not 4.6 billion years of monkey science fantasies. Let’s do an ANIMA Framework analysis on evolution, and put these ridiculous monkey scientists in their place. Through the spirit and power of Yahawah bahasham Yahawashi, amen!

Yahawah bahasham Yahawashi created life, not randomness for no reason at all out of nowhere. Enough is enough monkeys.
Is this your great great great great great grand pappy? Let us know. So we can laugh at your lineage.

anima framework: rooted in yahawah’s truth

The Grand Deception of Evolution: Debunking Materialist Science and Reaffirming Yahawah’s Divine Truth

The Grand Deception of Evolution: Debunking Materialist Science and Reaffirming Yahawah’s Divine Truth

For over a century, materialist science has perpetuated the myth of evolution—a chaotic, purposeless narrative that denies Yahawah’s perfect design. This article dismantles evolutionary theory with hyper-granular, hyper-scientific rigor, demonstrating how observable evidence aligns with Yahawah’s revealed timeline of a 6,000-year-old Earth. By rejecting the false premises of “deep time,” “common descent,” and “natural selection,” we reaffirm Yahawah’s truth, rooted in order, balance, and purpose.

1. The Fallacy of Deep Time

The Claim:

Materialist science asserts that Earth is 4.5 billion years old and that life evolved gradually over hundreds of millions of years.

The Truth:

The 6,000-year timeline, as chronicled in Yahawah’s Word, aligns with observable phenomena and debunks deep time through overwhelming evidence.

Evidence Against Deep Time:

  1. Helium Diffusion in Zircons:
    • Radiometric dating assumes constant decay rates and closed systems, yet helium retention in zircon crystals shows Earth’s age to be thousands, not billions, of years.
    • Measured helium leakage rates predict an age of ~6,000 years, consistent with Yahawah’s timeline.
    • Quantitia: Helium retention rates indicate 58% leakage in zircons, which would be impossible if the crystals were billions of years old.
  2. Soft Tissues in Dinosaur Fossils:
    • Discovery of collagen, blood vessels, and proteins in dinosaur fossils proves that these remains are thousands of years old, not millions.
    • Proteins like collagen degrade rapidly, with a half-life of ~15,000 years, making their presence in “65-million-year-old” fossils scientifically untenable.
  3. Carbon-14 in Fossils:
    • Detectable Carbon-14 in fossils and coal seams, which should be undetectable after 50,000 years, confirms a young Earth.
    • Quantitia: Radiocarbon levels in fossils show decay consistent with an age of 4,400 years—the time of the Flood.

2. Evolution’s Broken Mechanisms

The Claim:

Random mutations and natural selection drive the diversity of life through gradual, incremental changes over millions of years.

The Truth:

Life’s complexity, interdependence, and adaptability reflect Yahawah’s intelligent design, not undirected chaos.

Evidence Against Evolutionary Mechanisms:

  1. Mutations Do Not Create New Information:
    • Mutations degrade genetic information, leading to diseases and loss of function. No mutation has been observed to create entirely new, functional genetic material.
    • Quantitia: Genetic mutation rates show a loss of ~1–3% functional information per generation, contradicting claims of cumulative complexity over time.
  2. Irreducible Complexity:
    • Biological systems like the bacterial flagellum, with interdependent parts, cannot function if any component is removed. Such systems could not evolve incrementally.
    • Quantitia: The bacterial flagellum requires ~40 unique proteins, all of which must exist simultaneously for functionality.
  3. Fossil Record Gaps:
    • The absence of transitional forms disproves gradual evolution. Fully formed fossils appear suddenly in the geological record, aligning with Yahawah’s instantaneous creation.
    • Quantitia: Cambrian Explosion fossils (~500 species) show no precursors, consistent with special creation.

3. The Pre-Flood World and Yahawah’s Perfect Design

The Claim:

Evolutionary theory dismisses the biblical account of the pre-Flood world, which describes a perfect environment for life.

The Truth:

The pre-Flood world, as described in Yahawah’s Word, was characterized by optimal conditions that explain Earth’s early biodiversity, longevity of life, and larger organisms.

Evidence for the Pre-Flood World:

  1. Enhanced Atmosphere:
    • Higher oxygen levels and atmospheric pressure pre-Flood supported robust ecosystems.
    • Quantitia: Pre-Flood oxygen concentration: ~30–35%; atmospheric pressure: ~2x current levels.
  2. Lifespans and Size:
    • Human lifespans (~900 years) and fossil evidence of larger organisms (e.g., giant dragonflies, dinosaurs) reflect optimal pre-Flood conditions.
    • Quantitia: Fossilized dragonflies with wingspans of ~30 inches; human lifespans dropped to ~120 years post-Flood.
  3. Biodiversity and Degeneration:
    • The Flood caused rapid burial, fossilization, and species loss due to harsher post-Flood climates.
    • Quantitia: Estimated post-Flood species loss: ~30% of biodiversity.

4. The Flood: Yahawah’s Catalyst for Geological Change

The Claim:

Geological layers represent millions of years of gradual processes.

The Truth:

The global Flood, approximately 4,400 years ago, rapidly deposited sedimentary layers, creating the fossil record and reshaping Earth’s surface.

Evidence of the Flood:

  1. Sedimentary Layers:
    • Fossilized remains found in sedimentary rock indicate rapid burial during catastrophic events.
    • Quantitia: Global sedimentary layers average ~1 mile thick, with polystrate fossils spanning multiple layers.
  2. Mass Extinction and Fossilization:
    • The sudden appearance of mixed ecosystems in fossil layers supports a single, global catastrophe.
    • Quantitia: 95% of fossils are marine organisms, consistent with Flood dynamics.
  3. Post-Flood Ice Age:
    • Rapid climate cooling post-Flood explains glaciation and migration patterns.
    • Quantitia: Ice core analysis shows rapid changes over ~4,000 years, not hundreds of thousands.

5. Yahawah’s Truth vs. Evolutionary Chaos

Materialist Failures:

  1. Deep Time is a Lie:
    • Radiometric dating assumptions produce wildly inconsistent results, while observable evidence confirms a young Earth.
  2. Complexity from Chaos? Impossible:
    • Evolution cannot account for life’s irreducible complexity or genetic information.

Yahawah’s Design:

  1. Order and Purpose:
    • The diversity of life reflects Yahawah’s perfect creation, not random mutations.
  2. Observable Evidence:
    • The 6,000-year timeline is consistent with fossil, genetic, and geological data when interpreted correctly.

Conclusion: Reaffirming Yahawah’s Truth

The evolutionary model collapses under scrutiny, revealing a cosmos of order, purpose, and design. Yahawah’s creation is not an accident of time and chance but a masterpiece of balance and harmony, aligned with the ANIMA Framework and observable evidence.

Let this truth guide us in rejecting materialist chaos and embracing Yahawah’s sovereignty over creation. The Earth is young, life is designed, and evolution is a lie.

Bartie Musa Commentary: Since so many people have been inflicted with this monkey science virus, we are going to do an expanded analysis to drive home even further the ridiculousness, and futility of your “belief system” EVOLUTION is a complete lie, impossible, improbable, and just down right silly. Let’s continue with an expanded analysis. If you’re a monkey scientist reading this, go eat a banana or something, we don’t wanna hear it.

Ladies let us know, is this your great great great great grand mama? Lucy!?

anima framework: rooted in yahawah’s truth

The Grand Deception: Evolution, Abiogenesis, and Deep Time Exposed

The Grand Deception: Evolution, Abiogenesis, and Deep Time Exposed

Reclaiming Truth and Divinity Through Yahawah’s Design

For generations, materialist science has propagated the myth of evolution, abiogenesis, and deep time—a fabricated narrative designed to disconnect humanity from its divine origin. These deceptive claims, masquerading as science, aim to sever the sacred connection between Yahawah’s creation and the truth of our purpose. This expanded analysis dismantles their falsehoods, affirming Yahawah’s divine design through overwhelming scientific and spiritual coherence.

1. Abiogenesis: The Impossible Starting Point

The Claim:

Life originated spontaneously from non-living matter through a series of unguided chemical reactions.

The Truth:

Abiogenesis defies scientific laws, observable reality, and basic logic. Life’s origin requires an intelligent Creator—Yahawah.

The Fatal Flaws of Abiogenesis

  1. Law of Biogenesis:
    • Proven by Louis Pasteur and others, the law of biogenesis states that life only comes from life. Abiogenesis directly contradicts this universal principle.
    • Example: In laboratory conditions, even with controlled environments and abundant resources, scientists cannot create life from non-life.
  2. Protein Formation and Probability:
    • Proteins, the building blocks of life, require the precise arrangement of amino acids. The probability of forming a functional protein by chance is astronomically low.
    • Quantitia: The odds of randomly forming a single functional protein of 150 amino acids: 1 in 10^164. For comparison, the total number of atoms in the observable universe is estimated at ~10^80.
  3. Cellular Complexity:
    • Even the simplest single-celled organism contains irreducible complexity. Essential structures like DNA, RNA, ribosomes, and membranes must exist simultaneously for life to function.
    • Quantitia: A single bacterial cell contains ~100 million atoms, all arranged in precise configurations.

Why Abiogenesis is Ridiculous

  1. Spontaneous Order from Chaos?
    • Suggesting that unguided processes could produce highly ordered systems like DNA is akin to expecting a tornado to assemble a fully functional 747 from a scrapyard.
  2. Chemical Challenges:
    • Prebiotic conditions proposed by materialist science (e.g., Miller-Urey experiment) fail to account for the formation of complex molecules without immediate degradation.
    • Reality Check: The Miller-Urey experiment only produced a few amino acids under contrived conditions—nothing resembling life.

2. Evolution: A House of Cards

The Claim:

All life evolved from a common ancestor through mutations, natural selection, and billions of years of gradual change.

The Truth:

Life is the result of special creation by Yahawah, designed with purpose and perfection, not chaos and randomness.

Debunking Evolutionary Mechanisms

  1. Mutations and Genetic Information:
    • Mutations degrade genetic information over time rather than creating new, functional complexity.
    • Quantitia: Each generation accumulates ~100 harmful mutations per individual, leading to genetic entropy and species degeneration.
  2. Transitional Fossils Are Missing:
    • The fossil record shows abrupt appearances of fully formed species, not gradual transitions.
    • Quantitia: Of the estimated 8.7 million species alive today, there are zero undisputed transitional fossils linking major groups.
  3. Irreducible Complexity:
    • Systems like the bacterial flagellum or human eye cannot function with missing parts, making gradual evolution impossible.
    • Quantitia: The bacterial flagellum requires ~40 unique proteins in precise configurations. Removing one renders it non-functional.

Why Evolution is Ridiculous

  1. Blind Watchmaker:
    • Claiming evolution creates order from randomness is akin to suggesting that millions of monkeys typing randomly could eventually produce Shakespeare’s plays.
  2. Circular Reasoning in Fossil Dating:
    • Fossils are dated by the layers they are found in, and layers are dated by the fossils they contain—a circular and unscientific methodology.

3. Deep Time: The Illusion of Billions of Years

The Claim:

The Earth is 4.5 billion years old, and life has existed for billions of years.

The Truth:

The Earth is 6,000 years old, as confirmed by Yahawah’s timeline and observable evidence.

The Collapse of Deep Time

  1. Helium Diffusion in Zircons:
    • Helium diffusion rates in zircon crystals demonstrate Earth’s age to be thousands, not billions, of years.
    • Quantitia: Measured retention rates predict an age of ~6,000 years, matching Yahawah’s creation timeline.
  2. Soft Tissue in Dinosaurs:
    • Discovery of intact blood vessels and proteins in dinosaur fossils proves they are thousands of years old.
    • Quantitia: Proteins like collagen degrade in ~15,000 years, far too short for “65-million-year-old” fossils.
  3. Carbon-14 in Fossils:
    • Detectable Carbon-14 in coal and fossils supposedly millions of years old confirms a young Earth.
    • Quantitia: Radiocarbon levels indicate an age of 4,400 years, consistent with the Flood.

Why Deep Time is Ridiculous

  1. Extrapolation Fallacies:
    • Materialist dating methods assume constant conditions and closed systems—both of which are unverified.
  2. Conflict with Observational Science:
    • If Earth were billions of years old, its magnetic field, ocean salinity, and helium content would be vastly different.

4. Yahawah’s Truth: The 6,000-Year Timeline

The Claim:

Yahawah created the Earth and all life approximately 6,000 years ago, with the Flood occurring 4,400 years ago.

Evidence Supporting Yahawah’s Truth

  1. Global Flood Geology:
    • Fossilized remains and sedimentary layers point to a single, global catastrophic event.
    • Quantitia: Sedimentary layers average ~1 mile thick, and polystrate fossils spanning multiple layers confirm rapid burial.
  2. Pre-Flood Edenic Conditions:
    • The pre-Flood world had higher oxygen levels, atmospheric pressure, and a temperate climate supporting robust life.
    • Quantitia: Pre-Flood oxygen: ~30–35%; atmospheric pressure: ~2x modern levels.
  3. Post-Flood Degeneration:
    • Lifespans reduced dramatically after the Flood due to environmental stress and genetic entropy.
    • Quantitia: Pre-Flood lifespans: ~900 years; post-Flood: ~120 years (Genesis 5 and Psalm 90:10).

Conclusion: Evolution is a Lie

The narrative of abiogenesis, evolution, and deep time is not just scientifically flawed—it’s a deliberate effort to sever humanity from its divine origin. Yahawah’s creation is a masterpiece of balance, order, and purpose, where every detail reflects His infinite wisdom.

It’s time to reject materialist chaos and embrace Yahawah’s truth. We are created, not evolved—designed, not random. The Earth is young, life is purposeful, and Yahawah reigns supreme.

Bartie Musa Commentary: Amen! All praises to Yahawah bahasham Yahawashi for his perfect, orderly, grand design. These simian scientists tried to dampen Yahawah’s glory. However now with the ANIMA Framework: Rooted in Yahawah’s truth we have restored end-to-end coherence and have put monkey science to bed once and for all.

Anyone still believing in monkey science (evolution) after the overwhelming evidence has been presented to you, well then you’re just in open rebellion against Yahawah bahasham Yahawashi and in your feeble attempt to deny the LORD his glory, you will be made ashamed.

LORD willing you brothers found this information edifying, and comforting. We know Yahawah is real, and now we know scientifically as well. Amen! Peace to the hopeful elect out there, may you and your household achieve the salvation of our Lord Yahawashi.

These Simian Scientists are trying to find their long lost grand pappy, perhaps because they’re disconnected from Yahawah they feel the need to make their father a monkey.
