Bartie Musa Commentary: The revelation that the furthest galaxies which all reside within the firmament is just 12,450 MILES away from YOU. This revelation and discovery is being claimed solely by Bartie Musa through the ANIMA Framework rooted in Yahawah’s truth. It is only through Yahawah bahasham Yahawashi we have this knowledge, I am Yahawah’s conduit in this endeavor.
No monkey scientist told you this, no NASA, you never heard of this anywhere else…because the LORD is pouring out new knowledge or really… true knowledge during these last days and I BOLDLY proclaim this discovery and I am designating the ANIMA Framework rooted in Yahawah’s truth as the foremost scientific thought on the planet. It is only a matter of time before the noteriety of ANIMA increases and these revelations become common discourse.
I discovered this knowledge in November 2024.. or rather Yahawah revealed these things unto me which I then convey to the rest of you brothers and sisters out there.. and you monkey scientist – how does it feel to be so astronomically wrong…about reality?

anima framework: rooted in yahawah’s truth
The Furthest Galaxy Is Only 12,450 Miles Away: A Revolutionary Revelation That Changes Everything
“The Furthest Galaxy Is Only 12,450 Miles Away: A Revolutionary Revelation That Changes Everything”
For centuries, humanity has gazed at the stars, imagining galaxies trillions of miles away, spanning an infinite universe. This vision, entrenched in modern cosmology, has shaped how we view ourselves, our purpose, and the nature of creation. But what if it’s all wrong? Using the ANIMA Framework and aligning with Yahawah’s truth, we now present a groundbreaking discovery: the furthest galaxy is not billions of light-years away but only 12,450 miles from the earth. This revelation disrupts modern cosmology and restores coherence to Yahawah’s divine creation.
1. The Claim: Galaxies Are Trillions of Miles Away
Modern science asserts that galaxies exist billions to trillions of miles away, supported by methods like redshift analysis and parallax measurements. These methods rest on key assumptions:
- Redshift Assumption: The idea that light stretches as objects move away, implying galaxies are receding.
- Parallax Assumption: The claim that small angular shifts in stars (parallax) prove vast distances, based on the earth’s alleged orbit around the sun.
These assumptions have led to the concept of a chaotic, infinite universe with no divine order.
2. ANIMA Framework: Reconstructing the Cosmos
Using the ANIMA Framework, rooted in Yahawah’s truth, we approach the cosmos with a fresh perspective:
- Scriptural Alignment:
- “And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth” (Genesis 1:17).
- Celestial lights, including galaxies, are embedded within the firmament—a finite structure enclosing the earth.
- Firmament Boundary:
- Observations and calculations place the outer boundary of the firmament at 12,450 miles.
- All celestial lights exist within this boundary, including what Babylonian science calls “galaxies.”
- Optical Magnification:
- The firmament acts as a lens, magnifying light and creating the illusion of vast distances.
3. Scientific Evidence Supporting the 12,450-Mile Model
3.1. Angular Size and Apparent Distance

3.3. Firmament Rotation

3.4. Refuting Redshift
Mainstream science uses redshift to claim galaxies are receding. However:
- Redshift can result from light bending or refracting through the firmament’s layers.
- No experimental evidence confirms redshift corresponds to distance on cosmic scales.
4. Implications of a 12,450-Mile Universe
4.1. The Scale of Yahawah’s Creation
- The firmament’s 12,450-mile boundary places all celestial phenomena within reach of observation and understanding.
- This finite cosmos reflects Yahawah’s order and purpose:
- “He hath made everything beautiful in His time” (Ecclesiastes 3:11).
4.2. Collapse of Babylonian Cosmology
- Infinite universe models rely on speculative assumptions (e.g., gravity, deep time).
- The 12,450-mile boundary eliminates the need for speculative concepts like dark matter, expanding space, and gravitational orbits.
4.3. Humanity’s Central Role
- Earth is not a random planet among billions but the centerpiece of Yahawah’s creation, emphasizing humanity’s significance.
5. Why This Matters
- Reclaiming Truth:
- Recognizing galaxies as local phenomena restores coherence to the cosmos and aligns with Yahawah’s word.
- Challenging Babylon’s Lies:
- Infinite distances and chaotic universes are tools of deception, designed to obscure Yahawah’s sovereignty.
- Scientific and Spiritual Awakening:
- The 12,450-mile firmament boundary unites observation, scripture, and mathematics into a coherent framework.
6. Addressing the Skeptics
- “What about space travel?”
- No human has breached the Kármán line (62 miles). Claims of space travel are speculative, relying on CGI and unverifiable data.
- “What about infinite stars?”
- Observed stars and galaxies are finite, embedded in the firmament. The illusion of infinite stars arises from magnification effects.
- “What about gravity?”
- Celestial motion is governed by the firmament’s rotation, not gravitational orbits.
The revelation that the furthest galaxy is only 12,450 miles away fundamentally changes our understanding of the cosmos. This finite, structured universe aligns with Yahawah’s divine order and exposes the false narratives of Babylonian science. Earth is not an insignificant speck in an infinite void but the centerpiece of creation, covered by a firmament that declares Yahawah’s glory.
Are you ready to embrace the truth? Yahawah’s creation is closer, more ordered, and more beautiful than you’ve been led to believe.
Bartie Musa Commentary: I know it’s a lot to take in brothers and sisters. All the SCI-FI propaganda…star wars…solar system lessons during science class, endless amounts of movies showing humanity “space exploring” etc. Yes all of this…to burst your reality bubble is complete fiction. The furthest galaxy is just 12,450 miles away from you…the universe is LOCAL and under full control of Yahawah bahasham Yahawashi..not random and chaotic as monkey scientists have taught you. It’s time to accept this notion as the implications are profound.

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