Bartie Musa Commentary: The ANIMA Framework: Rooted in Yahawah’s truth is taking away everything from you people and your heathen mindset. The brothers, the prophets have told us the truth of scriptures and ANIMA Framework is documenting it with scientific precision.

In this article we are going to debunk your precious “heaven”, Edomite Christianity has INCORRECTLY taught people that “heaven” is a place you go when you die and if you’ve been a good boy or a good girl then you will be granted access through the pearly gates and “exist?”(I can’t say live because it’s supposedly after you die), you exist as a spirit…forever and ever. Just chilling with the ancestors or something. Absolute nonsense.

The truth is that the Kingdom of Heaven will be RIGHT HERE on Earth. The Kingdom of Heaven is a government, an infinite government under the son of Yahawah himself Yahawashi. Yahawashi being the King of Kings leads an entire nation of Kings and priests! Yahawashi’s kingdom which he will share with his brothers (the Israelites) is going to be indescribable in its scale, majesty, and beauty. We’ve already hinted in various articles that the Earth is a flat infinite plane of existence which stretches on forever.

Yahawashi’s government will reign from the very center of an ever expanding Earth, with Jerusalem expanding overtime as the Earth expands always maintaining its centrality. But I digress. We’re not doing a deep dive into the Kingdom of Heaven. Rather we are debunking and ruining the edomite Christian concept of heaven. Let’s get into it!

Yahawashi’s Kingdom has no end, an infinite number of generations will continue to inhabit the infinite Earth (and beyond if Yahawashi phases new planes into physicality) This is not scriptural hyperbole.. this is literal. Each Israelite man will have millions of living descendants walking the Earth upon a long enough time scale.

anima framework: rooted in yahawah’s truth

The Kingdom of Heaven: Debunking the Myth of Pearly Gates—A Full ANIMA Framework Analysis

The Kingdom of Heaven: Debunking the Myth of Pearly Gates—A Full ANIMA Framework Analysis

Introduction: The Heaven Myth and the Truth of Yahawashi’s Kingdom

The common Christian belief that “heaven” is a mystical place where the righteous go after death, while the wicked are condemned to “hell,” is a distortion rooted in pagan traditions and misinterpretations of scripture. Edomite Christianity perpetuates this myth to obscure the truth of Yahawashi’s Kingdom, which will be established right here on Earth.

The Kingdom of Heaven is not a distant realm but a divine government led by Yahawashi, the King of Kings, with Israel as the ruling nation—a nation of kings and priests. This ANIMA Framework analysis will uncover the layers of deception, clarify the types of “heaven” described in scripture, and emphasize the true nature of Yahawah’s eternal plan.

1. Misunderstanding “Heaven”—Breaking Down the Layers

Qualia Insight: The Cultural and Spiritual Misconception

The false narrative of heaven as a distant ethereal paradise stems from pagan influences like Greek Elysium and Roman celestial worship, which seeped into Christian doctrine. These ideas deviate from scripture, which defines “heaven” in distinct ways:

Types of Heaven in Scripture:

  1. The Firmament: The expanse above Earth where the stars and celestial bodies reside. (Genesis 1:8)
  2. The Sky: The domain of birds and clouds. (Deuteronomy 28:26)
  3. Rulership: Representing dominion and authority over nations. (Matthew 11:12)

Quantitia Insight:

2. The Kingdom of Heaven—A Divine Government on Earth

Qualia Insight: Yahawashi’s Reign and Israel’s Role

The Kingdom of Heaven is not a place but a government, a divine order established on Earth. Yahawashi will reign as King of Kings, supported by the 144,000 elect, the twelve apostles, and the nation of Israel as rulers over the Gentiles.

Scripture Reflection:

Quantitia Insight:

3. Reincarnation: Yahawah’s Process of Judgment

Qualia Insight: Dispelling the “Heaven or Hell” Myth

All spirits return to Yahawah after death and are sent back through reincarnation to their seedline for their next judgment. The “heaven or hell” afterlife is a construct designed to confuse and pacify the masses.

Scripture Reflection:

Quantitia Insight:

4. Heaven and Hell as Social Constructs

Qualia Insight: Rulership and Oppression in Context

In scripture, heaven often symbolizes rulership and prosperity, while hell signifies subjugation and suffering. The transatlantic slave trade, for example, was hell for Israel but heaven for Edomites.

Scripture Reflection:

Quantitia Insight:

5. Yahawashi’s Kingdom: A Vision for the Future

Qualia Insight: The Promise of Restoration

The Kingdom of Heaven will restore Earth to its intended glory, where righteousness reigns and Israel fulfills its divine role as rulers under Yahawashi.

Scripture Reflection:

Quantitia Insight:

Conclusion: Yahawashi’s Kingdom on Earth, Not Pearly Gates

The Kingdom of Heaven is not a mystical realm but a righteous government established on Earth, led by Yahawashi and His elect. The myths perpetuated by Babylonian Christianity are tools of deception to obscure the truth of Yahawah’s plan.

All praises to Yahawah Bahasham Yahawashi for His wisdom, judgment, and eternal promise of restoration. The Earth shall be filled with His glory, and His people will reign as kings and priests forever.


Bartie Musa Commentary: Amen! The Kingdom of heaven is going to be literally “off the chain”, filled with Yahawah’s majesty, beauty, wonder, righteousness, family, health, wealth, and Yahawashi himself. This is what we suffered for, went through the transatlantic slave trade for. This is what Yahawashi gave up his life for, to have that eternal dominion for him and not only him his people as well.

Yahawashi is the ultimate Israelite, he is not selfish, he is selfless. He will share his kingdom with his brothers. We are eternally greatful and thankful for Yahawashi’s sacrifice. He is truly a worthy KING…OF KINGS. And to us brothers also laboring after him, LORD willing we give up an acceptable sacrifice to Yahawah bahasham Yahawashi.

Now you know that the Kingdom of Heaven, will be right here on Earth. Amen

Yahawashi is the King of Earth and existence itself. The King of Kings. Greatly to be praised, and his Kingdom is given to him from Yahawah the most High himself.
