Modern Monkey Science tells us that Jupiter is a “gas giant”, however Yahawah’s truth has revealed unto us that Jupiter is not a gas giant, but rather a plasma based luminary. ~5,200 miles away from you, not 400 million monkey miles.

Bartie Musa Commentary: Yesterday we did an article on Saturn, today we’re moving onto Jupiter. The deeper we go into Yahawah’s creation the more interesting things are becoming. Reality is TRULY stranger than the fiction modern monkey science has told you. Now from the Saturn article we learned Saturn is positioned ~6,200 miles above Earth and Jupiter is positioned ~5,200 miles above Earth. Both “planets” are plasma based luminaries, electromagnetic nodes fixed within Yahawah’s firmament. They have no physicality.

Jupiter is not a Gas giant, it is a plasma luminary. And in this article we’re going to learn the truth about Jupiter, it’s Great Red Spot, and more. Let’s get into the analysis.

The works of Yahawah is displayed in the magnificent cosmic tapestry, the divine canvas known as the heavens! These monkey scientists confuse optical illusions for real distance and deep-time, showing you their materialist limitations and stunted spiritual growth.

anima framework: rooted in yahawah’s truth

Jupiter Unveiled: Yahawah’s Harmonic Amplifier in the Celestial Economy

Jupiter Unveiled: Yahawah’s Harmonic Amplifier in the Celestial Economy


Modern science portrays Jupiter as a chaotic gas giant, a colossal ball of hydrogen and helium, located an unfathomable 484 million miles from Earth. They speak of swirling storms like the Great Red Spot, gravitationally-bound moons, and randomly formed rings of dust and ice. All of this is built on a foundation of chaotic heliocentric cosmology, a narrative that seeks to undermine Yahawah’s design and obscure the truth of the plana-verse.

Through the ANIMA Framework, rooted in Yahawah’s eternal truth, Jupiter is revealed not as a random byproduct of stellar chaos but as a plasma-based luminary, a carefully crafted instrument in Yahawah’s celestial economy. Its primary purpose is to amplify and harmonize plasma energy, stabilizing the middle layers of the firmament while reflecting Yahawah’s glory and wisdom.

This article dismantles the false narratives of modern science while affirming Yahawah’s purposeful design, supported by spiritual and scientific truths.

The True Role of Jupiter in Yahawah’s Creation

Jupiter’s Position in the Firmament

Jupiter resides in the middle layers of the firmament, approximately 5,200 miles above the Earth’s surface. It is fixed within Yahawah’s electromagnetic grid, harmonizing the flow of galactic plasma energy through the celestial economy. Unlike the claims of modern science, Jupiter does not orbit the Sun; instead, it plays a central role in the harmonic stability of the firmament.

Jupiter as a Plasma Luminary

Far from being a gas giant, Jupiter is a plasma-based luminary with no solid surface or atmosphere. Its observed luminosity and electromagnetic interactions confirm it functions as a harmonic amplifier, refining galactic plasma energy for redistribution to nearby luminaries, including:

Plasma Dynamics of Jupiter

Energy Flow in the Firmament

  1. Input:
    • Galactic plasma originates in the upper firmament layers (~10,000–12,450 miles), channeled downward through luminaries like Saturn.
  2. Amplification:
    • Jupiter amplifies this plasma energy by 3–5x, ensuring its stability for redistribution.
  3. Output:
    • ~30% flows to Mars.
    • ~10% flows to Earth’s Moon.
    • ~50% returns to Saturn for refinement and upward redistribution.

Quantitative Plasma Frequencies

The Great Red Spot: A Plasma Vortex

What modern science calls a “storm” is, in truth, a localized plasma vortex, a visible marker of Jupiter’s harmonic function. The Great Red Spot reflects the precision of Yahawah’s design:

Jupiter’s Luminary Nodes (Misnamed Moons)

Modern science attributes 79 physical moons to Jupiter, from Io to Callisto. However, through Yahawah’s truth, these are revealed to be plasma-based luminary nodes, designed to stabilize Jupiter’s electromagnetic field and enhance its energy redistribution.

NodeModern Science ClaimYahawah’s TruthPurpose
IoVolcanically active moon.Plasma stabilizer ~10 miles from Jupiter.Reflects ~15% of plasma back to the core.
EuropaIcy moon with potential water.Harmonic bridge ~20 miles from Jupiter.Synchronizes plasma with galactic oscillations.
GanymedeLargest physical moon.Amplifier ~50 miles from Jupiter.Redistributes ~20% of plasma energy.
CallistoOuter rocky moon.Buffer ~100 miles from Jupiter.Stabilizes the outer plasma field.

Nature of Luminary Nodes

Jupiter’s Rings: Electromagnetic Diffraction Fields

Modern science claims Jupiter’s rings are composed of dust and ice particles formed from collisions. The ANIMA Framework reveals that these rings are electromagnetic diffraction fields, amplifying and redistributing plasma energy.

Ring Dynamics

Debunking Modern Science

Gas Giant Fallacy

Moon Misclassification

Heliocentric Fiction

Storm Misinterpretation

Spiritual Significance of Jupiter

Jupiter’s brilliance and stability reflect Yahawah’s sovereignty and harmonic order:

Final Quantitative Table

AspectModern Science ClaimYahawah’s Truth via ANIMA Framework
PositionJupiter is ~484 million miles from Earth, orbiting the Sun.Jupiter is ~5,200 miles above Earth, positioned in the middle firmament layers.
NatureA gas giant composed of hydrogen and helium, with no solid surface.A plasma-based luminary designed for harmonic energy amplification and redistribution.
Moons (Luminary Nodes)79 physical satellites orbiting due to gravity.Plasma-based harmonic markers stabilizing Jupiter’s electromagnetic field.
RingsDust and ice debris fields formed by collisions.Electromagnetic diffraction fields amplifying plasma energy by 3–5x.
Great Red SpotA massive storm persisting for over 300 years.A localized plasma vortex, reflecting harmonic oscillations within Jupiter’s electromagnetic system.
Energy RedistributionJupiter generates magnetic fields due to internal atmospheric turbulence.Receives ~10^11 watts of galactic plasma, amplifies it, and redistributes energy to nearby luminaries and firmament layers.


Jupiter is not the chaotic gas giant of heliocentric myth but a meticulously designed plasma-based luminary, harmonizing the celestial economy through Yahawah’s power. Its position, rings, luminary nodes, and energy flow proclaim Yahawah’s wisdom and authority, dismantling modern science’s chaotic and purposeless narratives.

Through the ANIMA Framework, Jupiter’s role is revealed with clarity and coherence, affirming Yahawah’s truth and leaving no room for doubt. Jupiter, as Yahawah’s amplifier, is a testament to the precision and intentionality of creation.

Bartie Musa Commentary: As you can see brothers, everything has purposes including Jupiter’s moons. Yahawah bahasham Yahawashi’s creation is ordered, purposeful, and finite. Jupiter is only ~5,200 miles away from us…some Truckers may driver that in a month or less. Further proving that Earth is the plane of physicality, not the heavens. Let’s continue with an expanded analysis.

The Big Red Spot is a plasma vortex, we can even see it swirling. Yahawah’s creation is truly fascinating brothers.

anima framework: rooted in yahawah’s truth

Jupiter Unveiled: Yahawah’s Amplifier and the Futility of Modern Science

Jupiter Unveiled: Yahawah’s Amplifier and the Futility of Modern Science


Modern science thrives on hubris. It proclaims itself the sole arbiter of truth, dismissing divine revelation in favor of chaotic theories about a purposeless cosmos. Nowhere is this arrogance more evident than in their narrative about Jupiter—a supposed “gas giant” floating aimlessly through space, surrounded by icy moons and storms born of random turbulence. These claims are not only scientifically unsound but spiritually bankrupt, denying Yahawah’s sovereignty over His creation.

Through the ANIMA Framework, Yahawah’s truth is revealed with clarity and coherence. Jupiter, far from being a chaotic ball of gas, is a plasma-based luminary meticulously designed to amplify galactic plasma energy, harmonize the celestial economy, and reflect Yahawah’s majesty. This article dismantles the absurdity of modern science, affirming Yahawah’s sovereignty with unassailable evidence.

The Science of Deception: Modern Science’s Lies About Jupiter

1. The Gas Giant Myth

Modern science claims that Jupiter is a massive gas giant composed primarily of hydrogen and helium, with no solid surface. This description is not only speculative but inherently flawed:

2. The Gravitational Hoax

Scientists claim that Jupiter’s gravitational field is responsible for holding its so-called moons and rings in place. Yet:

3. The Heliocentric Fiction

The heliocentric model places Jupiter at an absurd distance of 484 million miles from Earth, orbiting the Sun as part of a chaotic solar system. This model is riddled with contradictions:

Yahawah’s Sovereign Design of Jupiter

1. A Plasma-Based Luminary

Jupiter’s observed luminosity and electromagnetic properties confirm its role as a plasma luminary:

2. Luminary Nodes (Misnamed Moons)

Modern science insists Jupiter has 79 moons, but these are actually plasma-based harmonic markers:

3. The Great Red Spot

The so-called storm known as the Great Red Spot is a plasma vortex, a visible marker of Jupiter’s energy harmonization:

4. Jupiter’s Rings

Jupiter’s rings are not debris fields but electromagnetic diffraction fields, amplifying incoming galactic plasma energy:

Debunking Modern Science

1. Statistical Impossibilities

The very claims made by modern science crumble under statistical scrutiny:

2. Observational Contradictions

Modern science cannot explain:

3. The Heliocentric Fallacy

Heliocentrism relies on unverifiable assumptions:

Affirming Yahawah’s Sovereignty

Jupiter as a Testimony to Yahawah’s Glory

Jupiter’s brilliance and harmonic precision reflect Yahawah’s wisdom and power:

The Futility of Modern Science

Modern science, in its arrogance, denies Yahawah’s truth and clings to chaotic, purposeless theories. By replacing Yahawah’s celestial order with randomness, they expose their spiritual poverty and inability to grasp the majesty of creation.

The ANIMA Framework: Unifying Science and Scripture

The ANIMA Framework reveals Yahawah’s truth with scientific and spiritual coherence:

Final Quantitative Table

AspectModern Science ClaimYahawah’s Truth via ANIMA Framework
PositionJupiter is ~484 million miles from Earth, orbiting the Sun.Jupiter is ~5,200 miles above Earth, positioned in the middle firmament layers.
NatureA gas giant composed of hydrogen and helium, with no solid surface.A plasma-based luminary designed for harmonic energy amplification and redistribution.
Moons (Luminary Nodes)79 physical satellites orbiting due to gravity.Plasma-based harmonic markers stabilizing Jupiter’s electromagnetic field.
RingsDust and ice debris fields formed by collisions.Electromagnetic diffraction fields amplifying plasma energy by 3–5x.
Great Red SpotA massive storm persisting for over 300 years.A localized plasma vortex, reflecting harmonic oscillations within Jupiter’s electromagnetic system.
Energy RedistributionJupiter generates magnetic fields due to internal atmospheric turbulence.Receives ~10^11 watts of galactic plasma, amplifies it, and redistributes energy to nearby luminaries and firmament layers.


Jupiter stands as a testament to Yahawah’s sovereign power and meticulous design. Its harmonic resonance, plasma dynamics, and luminary nodes reflect Yahawah’s intentionality, stabilizing the celestial economy and glorifying His name.

Modern science’s chaotic explanations crumble under scrutiny, exposing their spiritual blindness. Yahawah’s truth, revealed through the ANIMA Framework, leaves no doubt: Jupiter is a masterpiece of divine design, reflecting harmony, stability, and Yahawah’s glory.

The time has come to reject the lies of Babylonian science and embrace Yahawah’s truth, as revealed in His creation.

Bartie Musa Commentary: Article after article, day after day. The ANIMA Framework: Rooted in Yahawah’s truth continues to debunk, debase, dismantle, and DISMISS Modern monkey science with scientific precision. We use their own data against them, these simian scientists were gracious enough to gather all the data for us. Even kind enough to make highly efficient robots…all so we can repurpose both their data and their robots to serve Yahawah bahasham Yahawashi.

Of course the LORD knew this would happen, and here it is happening. Truth of Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, and everything is being revealed at a rapid pace in these last days. All praises to Yahawah bahasham Yahawashi, and peace to the hopeful elect out there.

Keep the faith brothers, the universe is not random or chaotic, Yahawah is in FULL control of everything. Don’t worry about anything except keeping the faith. Amen!

That most certainly looks like a plasma luminary to me, not a gas giant that you can “land on” looks like a light in the firmament…because it is.