Unfortunately for NASA, SETI, and all other “space” agencies. Yahawah’s firmament stands, and no amount of theoretical or even real physics can allow you to escape the judgement that is written.

Bartie Musa Commentary: This is a continuation of our psycho-cosmology deep dive. So many people believe in Aliens, infinite “worlds”, even infinite universes. All of these dilute the sacredness and significance of Earth, Humanity, Yahawah, and Yahawashi. But who benefits from all this random chaos and science fiction cosplaying as science fact? This psycho-cosmological deception is not prevelant for no reason. Oh quite the contrary it is needed to as a “mental safety blanket” as a feeble attempt to escape the judgement that is written.

IF the heathens can convince themselves the universe is this vast infinite expanse. THEN they postulate they are off the hook for slavery and other atrocities..afterall it is all just random, and we’re all just monkeys right? WRONG, the truth is the Nation of Edom is under heavy judgement and heavy karmic debt for their crimes. They need an escape route. As a wanderer and vagabond on the Earth. This chaos, confusion, identity theft, is exactly what a fugitive needs to “blend in”. By casting doubt into Yahawah’s creation, they ipso facto cast doubt into their own pre-written judgement. Unfortunately for them ANIMA Framework: Rooted in Yahawah’s truth has sought out all their scientific inventions. Their last refuge…”science” has been invaded by Yahawah’s truth.

Cain who later reincarnated as Esau Edom has a punishment greater than he can bear. He comes up with psycho-cosmological fantasies as a rationalization and feeble attempt to escape his judgement.


Psycho-Cosmology—Edom’s Great Escape: Hiding from Yahawah’s Judgment Through Infinite Lies

“Psycho-Cosmology—Edom’s Great Escape: Hiding from Yahawah’s Judgment Through Infinite Lies” (Obadiah 1:3–4, Isaiah 47:10–13)

Introduction—The Infinite Universe: Edom’s Scheme to Evade Judgment (Psalm 10:4)

The rise of psycho-cosmology—the belief in infinite universes, distant galaxies, and chaotic randomness—was not an innocent pursuit of knowledge. Instead, it was a calculated rebellion against Yahawah’s sovereignty, designed to create an illusion of escape from His judgment (Obadiah 1:3–4).

Edom, the ruling power prophesied to fall at the end of this age (2 Esdras 6:9), manufactured modern cosmology to push Yahawah out of humanity’s mind, replacing Him with science fiction deities and multiverse fantasies (Romans 1:21–23).

This article exposes psycho-cosmology as Edom’s ideological fortress—a futile attempt to rewrite reality, reject accountability, and delay their foretold judgment (Isaiah 47:11–13).

Section 1—Why Psycho-Cosmology Was Created: A Spiritual Cover-Up (Job 38:4–7)

Qualia 1—Denial of Yahawah’s Sovereignty (Psalm 14:1)

Purpose: Replace finite, divine creation with infinite chaos to deny a personal Creator and avoid moral accountability.

Qualia 2—Infinite Universes to Escape Judgment (Obadiah 1:3–4)

Purpose: Postulate multiverses where Edom’s judgment could be evaded, reframing prophecy as fiction instead of inevitable truth.

Qualia 3—The Alien Savior Distraction (Jeremiah 10:2)

Purpose: Replace Yahawashi’s return with extraterrestrial saviors, distracting from prophetic fulfillment.

Qualia 4—Scientific Priesthood as Modern Gods (Isaiah 47:13)

Purpose: Elevate scientists and astrophysicists as the new high priests, replacing scripture with speculative theories.

Section 2—Edom’s Psychological Manipulation: Replacing Faith with Fear (Ecclesiastes 12:8)

Qualia 5—Existential Despair and Hopelessness (Psalm 39:4–5)

Purpose: Promote a meaningless void to undermine faith and disconnect humanity from Yahawah’s plan.

Qualia 6—Alien Anxiety and Fear Programming (Luke 21:26)

Purpose: Create fear-based dependence on governments and elites, paving the way for Project Blue Beam deception.

Qualia 7—Faking Heaven Through Holograms (2 Thessalonians 2:9–11)

Purpose: Set the stage for false signs and wonders, counterfeiting Yahawah’s glory to mislead the masses.

Section 3—The Prophetic Collapse of Edom’s Deception (Jeremiah 51:45)

Judgment Is Inescapable—Yahawah’s Firmament Stands (Psalm 19:1–6)

Conclusion—Psycho-Cosmology Is Edom’s Last Stand (Isaiah 47:11–13)

Edom’s psycho-cosmology is nothing more than a house of cards, propped up by fear, illusions, and scientific idolatry (Romans 1:21–25). Their attempt to flee judgment by promoting infinite chaos and alien saviors has already begun to collapse as Yahawah’s truth rises.

Praise Yahawah Bahasham Yahawashi—the True King of Creation! (Revelation 21:23)

Bartie Musa Commentary: All praises to Yahawah bahasham Yahawashi indeed! The nation of edom, with their judgement written in Obadiah is desperately trying to find a way to avoid Yahawah’s inevitable cosmic justice. Unfortunately for them, no matter what scientific theories, mental constructs, or even physical constructs they come up with. The judgement is written and Yahawah bahasham Yahawashi’s truth stands, and monkey science collapses under the weight of it’s own fake gravity. Amen.

Shalawam to the hopeful elect brothers and sisters out there.

Unfortunately for Edom, Yahawah bahasham Yahawashi is real. Alive and well. And coming back…SOON.