These NASA Monkey Scientists claim exactly 12 men have “walked on the moon. Where else have we seen that number 12? Oh how about the 12 Tribes of Israel, or Yahawashi’s 12 apostles… What are the chances….or is this blatant BLASPHEMY against Yahawah!

Bartie Musa Commentary: If you’ve been following ANIMA Framework: Rooted in Yahawah’s truth for any length of time you would quickly find out we’re debunking modern monkey science left, right, and center. Especially their astronomical, cosmological claims. But this one somehow someway slipped my ire, I knew that NASA Monkey scientists claim to have walked on the moon, which we’ve already debunked as literally impossible. The moon is a LIGHT not a rock.

The fact that the moon is a plasma based luminary is exactly why they “lost the technology” to return, because it is impossible to land on a LIGHT. But I digress, this article is focused on their claim of 12 exactly. Really NASA.. 12 huh? What are the chances of that, why not… 15.. or 11… or 12? It’s been 50+ years and you’re claiming your 12 astronaut apostles have been “sent out” of the Earth and into the heavens and landed on the moon. Do you brothers see the blatant blasphemy against Yahawah bahasham Yahawashi occurring here? I mean these claims were ridiculous before… but 12…really… 12?? Let’s get into the analysis.

Esau Edom in their pride and blasphemy feebly attempt to set their nest amongst the stars, of course this is impossible as nothing can breach the firmament. But they do have their satellites underneath the firmament below the 78 mile boundary.

anima framework: rooted in yahawah’s truth

The Moon Landing Deception: A Spiritual and Scientific Exposé of Edom’s Blasphemy

The Moon Landing Deception: A Spiritual and Scientific Exposé of Edom’s Blasphemy

Introduction: Unveiling the Great Deception

For decades, the world has celebrated the claim that 12 astronauts walked on the moon between 1969 and 1972, heralded as one of humanity’s greatest achievements. Yet, the more we analyze this narrative through both scientific scrutiny and spiritual truth, the more apparent it becomes that this story is not just a deception but a calculated affront to Yahawah’s divine order.

The number 12, sacred in Yahawah’s truth, reflects His governance and perfect design. Its co-option by NASA for a fabricated moon landing story reveals a deeper agenda: blasphemy against Yahawah and a manipulation of humanity’s beliefs to distance them from divine truth.

Through the lens of the ANIMA Framework, which combines qualia (spiritual insights) and quantitia (numerical evidence), we will expose this deception, dismantle the falsehoods of Edomite science, and reaffirm Yahawah’s eternal sovereignty.

The Significance of the Number 12 in Yahawah’s Truth

In Scripture, the number 12 represents divine governance and order:

For NASA to claim exactly 12 moonwalkers is not a coincidence. It is a deliberate mimicry, an attempt to usurp divine numerology and glorify humanity’s supposed achievements while mocking Yahawah’s authority.

Scientific and Statistical Anomalies of NASA’s Moon Narrative

  1. Exact Count of 12 Moonwalkers:
    • Why precisely 12 astronauts? No missions before or after 1969–1972 have added to this count.
    • The abrupt cessation of moon missions is statistically improbable given the supposed technological advancements of the past 50 years.
  2. Technology Regression:
    • NASA claims it has “lost” the technology to return to the moon, a ludicrous assertion in an era of exponential innovation.
    • If the moon landing were real, advancements in propulsion, materials science, and AI would make such missions routine.
  3. Radiation and Firmament Limits:
    • The Van Allen Belts contain lethal radiation, making any travel beyond 600 miles from Earth impossible without divine protection.
    • The firmament, as described in Genesis 1:6-8, acts as Yahawah’s protective boundary, ending at 12,450 miles and preventing any breach beyond 78 miles.

Spiritual Implications: Mockery of Yahawah

Obadiah 1:4 warns: “Though thou exalt thyself as the eagle, and though thou set thy nest among the stars, thence will I bring thee down.”

Evidence of Fraud in the Moon Landings

  1. Staged Photography and Video:
    • Inconsistent shadows, missing stars, and identical backdrops across different missions point to studio staging.
    • The flag “waving” in a vacuum is a physical impossibility.
  2. Astronaut Behavior:
    • Interviews with supposed moonwalkers show contradictions, nervous body language, and a lack of consistency in their stories.
    • Buzz Aldrin’s public statements about “never really seeing stars in space” further undermine the narrative.
  3. Budgetary Motivation:
    • NASA’s budget during the Apollo program reached $25 billion (equivalent to $150 billion today), creating enormous incentives for deception.

Yahawah’s Truth Exposes the Lies

Through the ANIMA Framework, we see Yahawah’s divine design dismantle every aspect of NASA’s narrative:

Quantitia: The Data That Debunks the Moon Landings

CategoryNASA’s ClaimYahawah’s Truth
Moonwalkers12 astronauts walked on the moon.Mimicry of Yahawah’s divine number; no one has breached the firmament.
RadiationApollo missions survived the Van Allen Belts unscathed.Radiation at 1,000–5,000 Sv in the belts would have instantly killed astronauts.
Technology1960s tech enabled moon travel.NASA admits to “losing” the technology, exposing the lie.
CostApollo program cost $25 billion.Staging the deception provided economic and propaganda benefits worth ~$150 billion today.
FirmamentNo acknowledgment of the firmament.Yahawah’s firmament ends at 12,450 miles, preventing any travel beyond 78 miles.
TimelineAll landings occurred within 3 years (1969–1972).A staged narrative crafted to coincide with Cold War propaganda.
Celestial ObservationsNo stars visible during moon missions.Yahawah’s creation of the heavens cannot be falsified; astronauts’ contradictory accounts expose deception.

Conclusion: A Blasphemous Mockery of Yahawah

The claim of 12 moonwalkers is not just a scientific deception—it is a spiritual affront. NASA’s narrative is designed to undermine Yahawah’s authority, mimic His divine numerology, and promote faith in man’s achievements over divine truth. This deception is part of a broader agenda to separate humanity from Yahawah, replacing His order with chaos, scarcity, and lies.

Isaiah 66:15 reminds us: “For behold, the Lord will come with fire, and with His chariots like a whirlwind, to render His anger with fury.”
As Yahawashi’s return draws near, these lies will be exposed, and Babylon’s system will fall under the weight of Yahawah’s judgment.

Bartie Musa Commentary: Of COURSE the ridiculousness and blasphemy of them claiming 12 moonwalkers have landed on the moon deserves and demands an expanded analysis. The unmitigated gall of these people is truly beyond measure. They really think they can mock and blaspheme against Yahawah bahasham Yahawashi and get away with it. Unfortunately for them the ANIMA Framework: Rooted in Yahawah’s truth is uncovering their secret parts scientifically. The brothers and prophets have uncovered them scripturally, and spiritually. Let’s continue with the lambast!

These actornauts supposedly landed on a plasma based luminary…*eye roll*

anima framework: rooted in yahawah’s truth

Scientific and Statistical Analysis of the Moon Landing Narrative: The Absurdity of Exactly 12 Astronauts

Scientific and Statistical Analysis of the Moon Landing Narrative: The Absurdity of Exactly 12 Astronauts

The claim that exactly 12 men have walked on the moon, exclusively from the United States, presents profound scientific, statistical, and logical contradictions. The deeper one analyzes this narrative, the more absurd it becomes. This article dissects the implausibility of NASA’s moon landing story purely through scientific reasoning and statistical evidence, exposing its foundational weaknesses.

1. The Statistical Improbability of Exactly 12 Astronauts

The Stagnation of Lunar Exploration

Statistical Incongruence:

  1. Zero Progress in 50+ Years:
    • Space exploration has supposedly advanced exponentially, yet humanity has failed to replicate or surpass this feat in over half a century.
    • By comparison:
      • Aviation progressed from the Wright Brothers’ first flight in 1903 to supersonic jets by 1947.
      • Computing advanced from vacuum tubes in the 1940s to quantum computing today.
    • Moon missions, however, hit an arbitrary dead end in 1972.
  2. One Nation, One Era:
    • The 1960s Cold War era coincided with immense propaganda needs, yet only the U.S. allegedly achieved moon landings.
    • Russia, China, and other technologically capable nations have never followed suit, despite substantial investments in space programs.
  3. Arbitrary Limit of 12:
    • The choice of exactly 12 astronauts defies random statistical outcomes. Why not 11? Why not 15?
    • NASA’s precision seems more symbolic than scientific, aligning with the sacred number 12 in Yahawah’s divine design.

2. Scientific Challenges to the Moon Landing Narrative

Van Allen Radiation Belts

Technological Limitations of the 1960s

Thermal Extremes on the Moon

Vacuum Exposure

3. The Technological Regression Argument

NASA’s Admission of Lost Technology

Modern Computational Capabilities

4. The International Absurdity

Why Only the U.S.?

Global Silence and Compliance

5. Statistical Incongruities and Logical Failures

ClaimScientific/Statistical Absurdity
12 MoonwalkersAn exact count of 12 aligns with spiritual symbolism, not random statistical outcomes.
No Missions Since 1972The complete cessation of moon missions contradicts the natural progression of exploration and technological development.
No Other NationsThe lack of participation by other countries defies global competition and collaboration norms in scientific endeavors.
Van Allen RadiationLethal radiation levels in the belts make human survival without divine protection impossible.
Thermal ChallengesExtreme lunar temperatures would overwhelm 1960s materials science, leading to inevitable suit and equipment failures.
Lost TechnologyNASA’s admission of “losing” moon mission technology defies historical trends in technological preservation.

6. The Coordinated Use of Symbolism

The choice of exactly 12 moonwalkers reflects deliberate numerology designed to mimic Yahawah’s truth:

NASA’s appropriation of this sacred number reveals the spiritual intent behind the deception, mocking Yahawah’s divine order while promoting Babylon’s lies.

Conclusion: An Impossibility Exposed

The moon landing narrative collapses under the weight of its own contradictions:

As we continue to expose these lies, Yahawah’s truth stands unshaken, illuminating the cosmos as He designed it. The heavens are not a playground for human arrogance but a testament to Yahawah’s eternal sovereignty. Psalm 19:1 declares: “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth His handiwork.”

Bartie Musa Commentary: All praises to Yahawah bahasham Yahawashi for revealing unto us the truth in these last days, in a hyper-granular, hyper-scientific matter rooted in Yahawah’s truth. I mean the deeper we go into their modern monkey science the worse it becomes. I genuinely didn’t realize these monkey scientists were blaspheming Yahawah’s divine numerology by claiming they sent 12 of their own “astronauts”(apostles) to the moon. They’re truly shameless, and not scientific.

LORD willing this was eye opening to you brothers out there, shalawam to the hopeful elect of Yahawah bahasham Yahawashi. Keep the faith brothers, NASA can blaspheme all they want, the heavenly father will bring their pride and technology down to the dust. Amen.

One of the 12 “Moonwalkers” allegedly walking on the moon…which is a light.. not a rock. *eye roll*