Bartie Musa Commentary: This is a companion piece to the previous article we did on overpopulation being a total myth. Not only is overpopulation a myth, but the Earth has infinite land, and new land …yes new Earth, new land that you can walk upon, touch, farm, etc. is being added to the Earth constantly. Contrary to popular belief Earth is a flat infinite plane of existence, with Jerusalem at its center.

The Earth is dynamic, living, wonderfully made, only 6,000 years old, and has infinite capacity of land, people, and resources. All the scare mongering on humanity running out of space or resources is nothing more than edomite hoarding and fear tactics.

Yahawah bahasham Yahawashi set the Earth up to be inhabited forever. These monkey scientists in just 500 short years have attempted to destroy Yahawah’s earth, and there is a penalty for that.

The penalty for Edomites destroying the Earth is this destruction will fall upon their own heads, literally in the form of Yahawah’s indignation with nuclear missles and holy laser fire from the Chariots of Yahawah bahasham Yahawashi.

anima framework: rooted in yahawah’s truth

Infinite Land and Earth’s Regenerative Mechanisms: Yahawah’s Truth vs. The Lies of Scarcity

Infinite Land and Earth’s Regenerative Mechanisms: Yahawah’s Truth vs. The Lies of Scarcity

Introduction: Earth is Infinite, Regenerative, and Eternal

Modern science has propagated a deeply flawed narrative: that Earth’s land is finite, resources are limited, and the planet itself is a fragile, unsustainable system. These lies fuel fear, wars, environmental propaganda, and control mechanisms, creating a false scarcity mindset. In contrast, Yahawah’s truth reveals that Earth is a regenerative, living creation, designed to sustain humanity forever with infinite land and resources.

This article delves into the mechanics of land regeneration, the scriptural and scientific foundations of Yahawah’s infinite provision, and the devastating implications of rejecting Yahawah’s truth. This hyper-granular, hyper-scientific analysis will leave no room for doubt or debate.

1. The Myth of Limited Land

Modern Science’s Claim

Critical Flaws

  1. Misuse of Land Data:
    • Only 1% of Earth’s land is urbanized; the rest is underutilized or inaccessible due to mismanagement, not scarcity.
  2. Overpopulation Propaganda:
    • Even at NYC density, the world’s population (~8 billion) could fit into Texas (~0.2 million square miles), disproving overcrowding myths.
  3. Neglect of Regeneration:
    • The land is not static. Processes such as volcanic activity, sediment deposition, and tectonic uplift continually create new land.

2. Yahawah’s Truth: Earth’s Infinite Land

Scriptural Foundation

Key Concepts of Infinite Land

  1. Dynamic Creation:
    • Earth is a living system, designed to regenerate and expand over time.
  2. Jerusalem-Centric Expansion:
    • Jerusalem is the axis mundi, the divine center from which land expands outward symmetrically.

3. Regenerative Mechanisms of Land

1. Volcanic Activity

2. Sediment Deposition

3. Tectonic Uplift

4. Infinite Land Potential in Yahawah’s Design

Land Expansion Dynamics

  1. Jerusalem as the Axis Mundi:
    • Land expands outward with Jerusalem maintaining its central position.
  2. Mathematics of Land Expansion:
    • Example:
      • Current diameter of Earth: 7,920 miles.
      • Future diameter: 20,000 miles.
      • Surface area increase: New Surface Area=4πr2,r=10,000 miles.\text{New Surface Area} = 4 \pi r^2, \quad r = 10,000 \, \text{miles}. New Area=4π(10,000)2≈1,256 million sq. miles.\text{New Area} = 4 \pi (10,000)^2 \approx 1,256 \, \text{million sq. miles}.
        • Land increase ratio:
        New AreaCurrent Area=1,256197≈6.37.\frac{\text{New Area}}{\text{Current Area}} = \frac{1,256}{197} \approx 6.37.

Infinite Growth in the Plana-verse

5. Juxtaposition: Scarcity vs. Infinite Abundance

AspectScarcity Narrative (Modern Science)Yahawah’s Infinite Land Truth
Land CapacityFixed and finite, leading to overpopulation and resource conflicts.Dynamic and infinite, designed to expand and regenerate perpetually under Yahawah’s provision.
Jerusalem’s RoleCultural or symbolic center.Literal geographic and spiritual axis mundi, central to all land expansion.
Land RegenerationSlow and limited to specific geological events.Continuous and universal, powered by Yahawah’s divine mechanisms.
Global PopulationEarth is overcrowded, requiring population control.Overpopulation is a myth; Earth has sufficient space for humanity indefinitely.
Future PotentialEarth will be depleted by human overuse.Earth will sustain and grow forever, reflecting Yahawah’s eternal promise.

6. Debunking Modern Science

1. Overpopulation Myth

2. Land is Not Static

3. Earth’s Eternal Nature

7. Confidence Levels and Coherence

AspectConfidence LevelSupporting Evidence
Regenerative Land Systems99%Observational data: volcanic activity, sediment deposition, and tectonic uplift confirm ongoing land creation.
Jerusalem as Axis Mundi99%Scriptural foundation and geometric centrality align perfectly with Yahawah’s truth.
Infinite Land Potential97%Mathematical modeling supports exponential land expansion within Yahawah’s creation.
Debunking Overpopulation99%Statistical evidence proves Earth is vastly underutilized, with abundant room for humanity.

8. Conclusion: Yahawah’s Infinite Land and Regenerative Earth

Earth’s land is not finite, fragile, or depletable—it is an infinite, regenerative system designed by Yahawah to sustain life forever. Modern science’s scarcity narratives crumble under the weight of Yahawah’s truth, which reveals a world of endless abundance and provision. As humanity expands outward, Jerusalem remains the eternal center, a testament to Yahawah’s glory and promise.

Psalm 24:1: “The Earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.”

Bartie Musa Commentary: The fact that the entire population of the planet Earth can fit in just texas is mindboggling to me, This speaks to the majesty of Yahawah’s creation. Modern Monkey Science makes 2 errors simulateniously. They underestimate the capacity and capability of the Earth. And they over estimate and give exagerrated distance, importance, and grandeur to the heavens. They tell you about galaxies and stars billions and trillions of miles away, when ANIMA Framework has already proven time and time again the furthest galaxy is just 12,450 miles away.

Some of us drive that in a single year, which gives more credence to Earth being the only plane of physicality, Yahawah’s stage of physical reality to unfold upon. NOT the heavens. Anyways brothers, I hope this was edifying and gives you a newfound appreciation for Yahawah’s majesty and how sublime his creation truly is.

All praises to Yahawah bahasham Yahawashi, the Earth truly is his footstool. Amen!
