The Music Industry’s Satanic Agenda: A Final Rebuke of Rappers & Babylon’s Wicked Entertainment Machine

Bartie Musa Commentary: Rap music has been one of the main vehicles in recent years to alter the mind & behavior of the Israelites, and Judah in particular. Yahawah gave his people immense natural talent and creativity. These gifts have been co-opted by the enemy (Edomites led by the 1948 crew) and turned into a […]

The Death of Michelle Trachtenberg: Alcohol, Edomite Decay, and Babylon’s Self-Destruction

Bartie Musa Commentary: Michelle Trachtenberg from “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” and “Harriet the spy” has passed away at age 39. I remember briefly watching Buffy the Vampire slayer way back in the day…wow how has time passed. However this article is focusing on the unique circumstances regarding her death. At age 39 Michelle Trachtenberg had […]


Bartie Musa Commentary: Beyonce recently released tickets for her latest tour (right around tax return season) and the prices have been so outrageous that they’ve created a social media buzz. Eve all over social media has been complaining about the prices being as high as $2,000 – $3,000. I even heard one story of an […]

Super Bowl 2025: Kendrick Lamar’s Israelite Claims, The Swift-Kelce Spectacle, and Babylon’s Grand Deception

Bartie Musa Commentary: Without any knowledge of the teams performances, their season etc. The fact that Travis Kelce who has been dubbed as the Prom King of Babylon is appearing in back-to-back Superbowl’s during his short tenure of dating the most marketable Shedomite on the Planet: Prom Queen Taylor Swift. Just this alone makes me […]


Bartie Musa Commentary: I cannot be the only one who finds the timing of the Taylor Swift-Travis Kelce romance being ALL too convenient and…”perfect”. This romance has taken the media by storm, and has single handedly added BILLIONS to the NFL’s brand in terms of viewership and interest. With young women making the bulk of […]

Kendrick Lamar: Don’t Call me Black No More, I’m an Israelite…now in the Superbowl?

Bartie Musa Commentary: Kendrick Lamar is set to perform at the superbowl half-time show (why do they always get Israelites to do that ritual?) coming up this Sunday. It is quite perplexing how he went from openly proclaiming his Israelite heritage, to now being at the apex of Babylonian performance. Kendrick is playing a dangerous […]

Hollywood Mansions Burn in California Wildfires: A Divine Reckoning

Bartie Musa Commentary: I have some very sad and heartbreaking news to announce to everyone. Our precious Babylonian celebrities such as Kim Kardashian, Mel Gibson, Billy Crystal, and other icons you people worship. They’ve had their multi-million dollar mansions burned up in Yahawah’s indignation. Let us take a moment of silence for our precious celebrities […]

ChatGPT Founder Sam Altman Faces Sexual Abuse Allegations from Sister

Bartie Musa Commentary: YIKES! The creator of ChatGPT himself Sam Altman has been accused of sexually abusing his OWN SISTER! His sister has filed a lawsuit against him for allegedly abusing her starting from the age of 3 (while Altman was 12) and allegedly the abuse continued well into Sam’s adulthood! Wow this is absolutely […]

Hollywood’s Marriage Meltdown—Jolie and Pitt’s Divorce Reflects Babylon’s Family Decay

Bartie Musa Commentary: Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie Divorce At the height of Babylonian achievement & accolades. Both Brad & Angelina, rich, successful, well respected within Babylon. They come together as a union to form a “power couple”. Yet somehow, someway, with all the advantages, all the privileges, all the wealth and resources you could […]
