Babylon’s Corrupt Food System – “Ye Shall Eat Your Bread Defiled Among the Gentiles”

Bartie Musa Commentary: If you go to any mall, or really anywhere in Babylon where the children of Israel congregate, Northern (browns) & Southern Kingdom (blacks) you will see many of our people are obese. Even young children are fat these days. Northern Kingdom children in particularly I’ve noticed a lot of them are fat […]
The Olduvai Gorge Bone Tools – A Post-Flood Human Legacy, NOT “Pre-Human” Artifacts

Bartie Musa Commentary: So these monkey scientists have recently been touting their latest discovery over in Tanzania in a place called “The Olduvai Gorge”, where they found a cache of bone tools that they “believe” belong to pre-human ancestors dating the tools at a staggering 1.5 million years old. The monkey scientists are of course […]

Bartie Musa Commentary: Modern monkey science focuses heavily on mDNA or mitochondrial DNA which is passed unaltered from mother to daughter. However they completely neglect and fail to research Y-DNA. Why do they do this? Because if they truly explored Y-DNA they would quickly find that biblical genealogies match up with observable reality. All present […]