Esau Edom: The Temporary Creature Who Waged War Against Creation Itself

Bartie Musa Commentary: In prior articles we went into the history of Esau Edom from genesis, to mixing with the Horites (Neanderthals’) all the way to modern day Europe & Babylon. We even brought out his innumerable crimes and atrocities in the shameful spewing upon thy glory series. Now we’re going to delve into the […]

The Complete History of Esau Edom, Neanderthals, Amalek, & Babylon the Great—From Genesis to Revelation

Bartie Musa Commentary: One of the most heavily shrouded, covered, and opaque mysteries currently on the planet Earth is the history of these Edomites. Where did they come from, why are they here, what is their true history, etc. etc. It’s not easy to pin-point these people’s origins and trace them with end-to-end coherence from […]

Esau Edom: A Civilization in Freefall—Degeneracy, Abominations, and the Collapse of the Wicked

Bartie Musa Commentary: It seems with the Freaky Joe 666 Biden Era coming to a close, we may all begin to be spared from the relentless onslaught on our collective psyche. However the damage has been done, Babylon has turned into Sodom & Gomorrah at a pace never seen before. All that remains left is […]
