Abiotic oil: Earth has infinite oil, your oil wars are literally for no reason

Bartie Musa Commentary: Yes you read the title correctly, Yahawah bahasham Yahawashi created the Earth to be inhabited and is a perfect infinitively regenerative machine. Earth has infinite land, infinite water, infinite minerals, and yes infinite oil. That’s going to be focus of this article. Abiotic oil is oil produced naturally from non-biological sources. These […]

Infinite Land: Yahawah’s Provision in the Plana-verse and Beyond

Bartie Musa Commentary: Scarcity is one of the biggest myths currently perpetuating the planet Earth. Of course it is propagated by the same individuals who have hoarded everything to themselves and mismanaged the Earth, it’s resources, and the inhabitants thereof. However the depths of this deception goes deep, through the ANIMA Framework: Rooted in Yahawah’s […]
