Bartie Musa Commentary: The pride and haughtiness of the daughters of Zion is notorious. This is because they mirror their spiritual twin Esau Edom the serpent. Eve is full of pride, arrogance (why we don’t know), and rebellion. Just like Esau Edom. This is naturally why their alliance took root and was so effective. Can […]
The Music Industry’s Satanic Agenda: A Final Rebuke of Rappers & Babylon’s Wicked Entertainment Machine

Bartie Musa Commentary: Rap music has been one of the main vehicles in recent years to alter the mind & behavior of the Israelites, and Judah in particular. Yahawah gave his people immense natural talent and creativity. These gifts have been co-opted by the enemy (Edomites led by the 1948 crew) and turned into a […]
Neo-Nazi Edomite Cowardice in Cincinnati runs when confronted by Judah’s boldness

Bartie Musa Commentary: Recently a bunch of Neo-Nazi Edomites gathered in Lincoln Heights over the I-75 overpass for a feeble demonstration of their “White power”. The group was immediately confronted by local residents from the tribe of Judah (blacks) and were sent running home in a hurry. You can see the videos online, they were […]
The Black Church: A tool of Control or a Bridge to Yahawah?

Bartie Musa Commentary: For as long as Judah has been on the shores of Babylon, there has been a black church somewhere within the land of darkness known as Babylon. The black church has been used as an institution to corral and pacify Judah for hundreds of years, however since the 1960s and accelerating further […]