DINKs, DINKWADs, and the Final Collapse of Esau’s Society

Bartie Musa Commentary: There has been a fascinating and ridiculous trend growing among the Edomite and Shedomite couples. It is the phenomenon of DINKS or Dual Income No Kids. There are offshoots of this which include DINKWAD which means Dual Income No Kids With A Dog. A truly vain, and pathetic reflection of Yahawah’s design. […]
The Dog Mom Phenomenon: A Symptom of Esau’s Degenerate System

Bartie Musa Commentary: This is going to be a dark article brothers, unfortuantely we have to bring this out. Coming off the gender war article, a disturbing trend particularly among Edom has emerged. More and more women are becoming DOG MOMS instead of real moms. A complete and total perversion and misdirection of Yahawah’s God […]
Shedomite Tears: The Weaponization of Lies Against Yahawah’s Chosen People

Bartie Musa Commentary: Another day in Babylon, another so-called “black man” from the tribe of Judah being accused falsely accused by a shedomite. This time in Ohio, lying shedomite Michelle Bishop was caught on camera racial profiling a hard worker brother Mike Jenkins.. the audacity of the shedomite Michelle Bishop… she accused the man of […]
1,000 Men in One Day: Babylon’s Idol of Lust Reaches New Depths

Bartie Musa Commentary: OnlyFans “creator” Bonnie Blue sure has created quite a stir! The shedomite has allegedly achieved a herculean feat. She had coitus with over 1,000 men (1,057 within 12 hours). Not even a full 24 hours, just a 12 hour cycle she accomplished this feat. But what does this actually say? This does […]
Shattered Trust—Nurse Erin Strotman’s Abuse of Premature Babies Exposes Medical Racism and Systemic Corruption

Bartie Musa Commentary: This is just absolutely disgusting. Even doing this article makes my blood boil. This wicked demonic twisted racist Shedomite named Erin Elizabeth Ann Strotman has been arrested and denied bond. It has came out she has been intentionally and savagely abusing, committing violence upon, and breaking the bones of NEW BORNS!! However […]