The Divine Order of the Solar System: Heliocentrism Debunked

Bartie Musa Commentary: Well this week we’ve done articles on both saturn & jupiter so naturally we may as well round out our understanding of the so-called “solar system” and understand their relavant positions compared to the Earth. By now we should be familiar with the plana-verse model which posits that Earth is a flat, […]
Jupiter Unveiled: Big Red Spot & the Futility of Modern Monkey Science

Bartie Musa Commentary: Yesterday we did an article on Saturn, today we’re moving onto Jupiter. The deeper we go into Yahawah’s creation the more interesting things are becoming. Reality is TRULY stranger than the fiction modern monkey science has told you. Now from the Saturn article we learned Saturn is positioned ~6,200 miles above Earth […]
Saturn Unveiled: Yahawah’s Harmonic Luminary vs. NASA’s Monkey Science

Bartie Musa Commentary: Modern Monkey Science would have you believe that the “planet” Saturn is a gas giant that was formed billions of years ago for no reason at all, and that it’s rings are ice rocks trapped in gravitational orbit. Of course we can’t expect much from these simians as they have no grasp […]