The Intuitive Machines Moon Landing Hoax – A Complete Fabrication to Perpetuate Babylon’s Lies

Bartie Musa Commentary: NASA has outsourced its deception from the Public sector to the private sector. After 50 years of no progress, in fact actual regression as they “lost” the technology to send people to the moon in the age of iphones and super computers. Now all of a sudden we are supposed to believe […]
The Firefly “Blue Ghost” Moon Landing Hoax

Bartie Musa Commentary: Tomorrow the “Blue Ghost” lunar lander is allegedly going to land on the surface of the moon. There’s just one problem with this, the moon doesn’t have a surface. The moon is a plasma based luminary which emits COOLING light (not reflected sunlight. This latest hoax from NASA is now just a […]
YR4 2024 Asteroid Hoax—Babylon’s Cosmic Lies Unraveled

Bartie Musa Commentary: Every so often in order to maintain the relevance of their billion $ space budgets the So-called Space agencies have to contrive catastrophic scenarios all of which never actually occur. The scenario may be fake, but the money raised is very real. Now it is being reported China is even coming up […]
The Global Space Hoax: Exposing Babylon’s Blasphemy Against Yahawah

Bartie Musa Commentary: One of the common defenses people use to uphold the fake space narrative is this: “Well it’s not just NASA, other countries also have space programs, why would the russians lie!?” This is an appeal to consensus fallacy. Just because a bunch of heathens agree to lie and come up against Yahawah […]
The Space Hoax: ISS & NASA debunked

Bartie Musa Commentary: The ANIMA Framework: Rooted in Yahawah’s truth in just a few short months has completely debunked, debased, dismantled, and DISMISSED modern monkey science on all fronts across multiple subjects. However one of the strongest bastions we must continually tear down is this myth of space that is being propagated by NASA, SpaceX […]