The Rotating Firmament—The Celestial Mechanism Governing Day, Night & Seasons

Bartie Musa Commentary: In this article our entire perspective on day/night is going to change. Modern monkey science tells us that the Earth is spinning on its axis and rotating around the sun in some chaotic fashion, that this is the reason for day/night. Their chaotic cosmology has no basis in observable reality. We do […]
True Nature of the Stars: Yahawah’s Perfect Design Revealed

Bartie Musa Commentary: There are 12,000 stars in the universe. Yes I said it 12,000 stars total. Not Septillions of stars, or trillions upon billions. We previously proved through psycho-cosmology that this is a false Babylonian notion which is propagated in order to cut humanity off from their divine heritage. However as we’ve done more […]