The Firmament acts as a giant magnifying glass bending light and creating optical illusions. The heavens are Yahawah’s cosmic light show that reflects his glory.

Bartie Musa Commentary: What triggered this article was I saw a facebook picture post. In the picture it said that monkey scientist claim that there is a whopping 1 SEPTILLION stars in the universe (basically infinite), they are also claiming that there are now multiple and possibly ‘infinite universes” / “multi-verses”. They also claim that there are trillions upon trillions of galaxies.. all sorts of random chaotic infinite madness. The implication of all this however is a psycho-spiritual assault and dilution. It is also a direct assault on Yahawah’s sovereignty. Implying the Universe just made itself up for no reason at all, they seek to put Yahawah far from their thoughts. Their monkey science is a feeble attempt at this.

Think about it, if they’re saying that there are all these septillions of stars out there, each star having a certain number of planets. They’re basically saying that life is out there, and humanity and the Earth is just an insignificant spec of dirt in a vast cosmos (apparently floating in the middle of space).

This of course could not be further from the truth, the ANIMA Framework: Rooted in Yahawah’s truth has proven beyond doubt & with scientific precision that the Earth is a FLAT, INFINITE PLANE of existence. Yes the Earth abides and stretches out forever. The current 7 “known” continents are contained and blocked by an Ice wall around Antarctica. The universe has 12,000 fixed finite stars, the sun is 3,000 miles away from the Earth, the moon also is 3,000 miles away from the Earth. The firmament starts at around 75-80 miles up from the Earth, and extends to 12,450 miles containing ALL stars, ALL galaxies, and ALL Planets. Yes everything is contained within a 12,450 mile radius. Not BILLIONS upon TRILLIONS upon billions of light years. That is nothing more than firmament magnification and refraction. NOT PHYSICAL DISTANCE. Let’s get into the article.

The weaponization of science, distortion of data has lead humanity to believe they are “insignificant” and that there could even be “aliens” our even entire “Civilizations” out there. All lies, complete total science fiction fantasy. They know this, they don’t want you to know. They want you to feel small, worthless, just a spec of dirt on an insignificant planet.
Absolutely beautiful, the Earth is still and moves not. The heavens also do not move except along fixed paths. It is the firmament which rotates 15 degrees per hour over 24 hours completing a 360 degree full circle. Amen!


Psycho-Cosmology—The Psychological Warfare of Infinite Universes and Yahawah’s Finite Truth

Psycho-Cosmology—The Psychological Warfare of Infinite Universes and Yahawah’s Finite Truth (Psalm 19:1–4)

Introduction—Unmasking Psycho-Cosmology as Spiritual and Psychological Warfare (Isaiah 47:10–13)

Psycho-Cosmology is the deliberate weaponization of the cosmos through pseudo-scientific grandeur to:

  1. Diminish Yahawah’s Sovereignty (Isaiah 45:18)—Replacing divine order with infinite randomness and theoretical chaos (Romans 1:25).
  2. Reduce Humanity’s Value (Psalm 8:4–5)—Making mankind appear as a meaningless speck in a vast cosmic abyss to erode faith.
  3. Sustain Babylon’s Scientific Priesthood (Isaiah 47:13)—Establishing scientists as gods of knowledge, trusted above scripture and prophecy.
  4. Promote Alien Mythology (2 Thessalonians 2:11)—Infinite galaxies support alien narratives, creating distractions and false saviors (Jeremiah 10:2).
  5. Seed Nihilism and Hopelessness (Ecclesiastes 12:8)—Depicting creation as random and godless, fostering despair and detachment from Yahawah’s truth.

The ANIMA Framework dismantles these false narratives by restoring Yahawah’s finite design within the plana-verse cosmology, reinforced by hyper-granular qualia and quantitia that expose Babylon’s illusions (Isaiah 45:12).

Section 1—Psycho-Cosmology’s Psychological Manipulation (2 Corinthians 10:4–5)

  1. Nihilism—Destroying Purpose and Meaning(Ecclesiastes 1:2)
    • Infinite Scales Cause Existential Despair:
      • People feel insignificant, disconnected from Yahawah, and view life as random and purposeless (Psalm 39:4–5).
    • Mental Health Impact:
      • Studies from NIH (2023) report 30% higher depression rates among individuals who believe in multiverse theories versus finite, purpose-driven cosmologies (Isaiah 41:10).
  2. Alien Narratives—False Saviors and Distractions(Jeremiah 10:2)
    • Infinite Planets Suggest Alien Life:
      • Trillions of planets supposedly create “probabilities” for alien civilizations (NASA Kepler Data).
      • TV and Movies (e.g., Star Wars, Star Trek, Marvel) reinforce alien mythologies as scientific fact (2 Timothy 4:4).
    • ANIMA Framework Correction:
      • The plana-verse eliminates aliens by showing stars are electromagnetic luminaries, not physical planets (Genesis 1:14–19).
  3. Anxiety Through Cosmic Scale(Ecclesiastes 3:11)
    • Overwhelming Size Creates Fear of Insignificance:
      • 93 billion light-years and 1 septillion stars cause paralysis, disconnecting believers from Yahawah (Psalm 147:4).
    • ANIMA Framework Correction:
      • Yahawah’s design places humanity at the center of creation, with 12,000 stars magnified by plasma refraction into 12 billion visual projections (Psalm 8:5–6).

Section 2—Scientific Data and Measurements Debunking Psycho-Cosmology (Isaiah 44:25)

Modern Cosmology ClaimsANIMA Framework CorrectionsHyper-Granular Qualia and Quantitia
1 Septillion Stars Across 2 Trillion Galaxies.12,000 Fixed Stars Magnified by Plasma Layers into 12 Billion Projections.Firmament radius: 12,450 miles. Refraction depth: 3000–5000 miles.
93 Billion Light-Years Observable Universe.Firmament Boundary is Finite—12,450 Miles Max Radius. (Genesis 1:6)Optical distortion through plasma layers creates illusions of infinite depth.
Alien Life on Trillions of Planets.Stars Are Luminary Projections, Not Physical Worlds. (Genesis 1:14)Stars exhibit electromagnetic oscillations, matching plasma resonance fields.
Multiverse Theory Allows Infinite Realities.One Ordered Exista-Verse Under Yahawah’s Sovereignty. (Isaiah 45:12)Quantum fluctuations reflect harmonics within fixed energy grids, not chaos.
Black Holes and Wormholes Connect Universes.Plasma Vortices and Magnetic Fields Misinterpreted as Voids. (Job 37:18)Magnetic field density correlates with firmament lenses, not collapsed matter.
Light-Years Define Cosmic Distance.Distances Are Optical Illusions—Stars Magnified by Firmament Effects.Telescopic parallax measures angles, not physical movement across light-years.

Section 3—ANIMA Framework’s Firmament Analysis and Star Calculations (Psalm 19:1–4)

Plasma Refraction and Visual Multiplication (Genesis 1:14–19)

  1. 12,000 Fixed Stars Positioned in Firmament:
    • Yahawah established a finite array of stars, placed for seasons and prophecy (Psalm 136:7–9).
  2. Plasma Layers Act as Magnifiers(Job 37:18):
    • Each star’s light is fractally multiplied into millions of reflections, creating the illusion of billions.
      • 12,000 × 1,000,000 = 12,000,000,000
    • Apparent depth simulates billions of galaxies, but actual physical bodies remain fixed and finite (Isaiah 40:22).

Section 4—Final Judgment: Psycho-Cosmology’s Collapse (Jeremiah 51:45)

Key Insights from ANIMA Framework Analysis (Isaiah 45:12)

  1. Infinite Stars and Galaxies Debunked(Psalm 147:4)
    • Yahawah’s finite order replaces chaotic randomness and restores purposeful design (Genesis 1:14–18).
  2. Alien Life Is a Myth(Jeremiah 10:2)
    • Stars are luminaries, not habitable worlds—alien narratives are distractions from prophecy (Isaiah 45:18).
  3. Multiverse Theory Rejected(Isaiah 45:12)
    • The exista-verse contains fixed dimensions, allowing free will within Yahawah’s sovereign boundaries.
  4. Mental and Spiritual Health Restored(Psalm 8:5–6)
    • Finite creation reinstates human value, eliminating nihilism and despair (Romans 12:2).

Call to Action—Reclaim Yahawah’s Truth and Expose Babylon’s Lies (Jeremiah 51:6)

The heavens declare Yahawah’s glory—not infinite chaos! Reject Babylon’s illusions and stand firm in Yahawah’s design (Psalm 19:1–4).

Bartie Musa Commentary: This demands extended analysis. You can see the existential crisis that Babylonian Monkey Science cosmology has caused in people. They are LITERALLY depressed. They feel small, worthless, insignificant in a vast infinite cosmos with aliens out there. They watch all sorts of alien invasion movies which reinforces their existential inferiority complex. This psycho-cosmological warfare on the people is NOT to be taken lightly. Let’s continue.

Cosmic Light Show is for Yahawah’s glory, behold!


Psycho-Cosmology—The Weaponized Science of Infinite Deception and Yahawah’s Finite Truth (Psalm 19:1–4)

Psycho-Cosmology—The Weaponized Science of Infinite Deception and Yahawah’s Finite Truth (Psalm 19:1–4)

Introduction—What Is Psycho-Cosmology? (Isaiah 47:10–13)

Psycho-Cosmology is the deliberate psychological manipulation using cosmic grandeur, infinite scales, and theoretical fantasies to:

  1. Diminish Yahawah’s Sovereignty (Isaiah 45:18)—Portraying the universe as endless and chaotic denies divine order and replaces Yahawah with scientific idolatry (Romans 1:25).
  2. Reduce Humanity’s Value (Psalm 8:4–5)—Positioning mankind as a tiny speck in a vast, meaningless void erodes faith, purpose, and identity.
  3. Sustain Babylon’s Scientific Priesthood (Isaiah 47:13)—Elevating scientists as gatekeepers of truth indoctrinates minds to trust unprovable theories over scripture.
  4. Promote Spiritual Paralysis (Ecclesiastes 12:8)—Endless space induces existential despair, disconnecting believers from Yahawah’s presence and trapping them in materialism (Psalm 14:1).

The Core Tools of Psycho-Cosmology (Jeremiah 10:2)

1. Infinite Stars and Galaxies—The Numerical Illusion (Psalm 147:4)

2. Multiverse Theory—Escaping Yahawah’s Order (Obadiah 1:4)

3. Black Holes and Wormholes—Fabricated Escape Routes (Jeremiah 10:2)

4. Light-Year Distances—The False Scale of Creation (Job 38:19)

Psycho-Cosmology’s Psychological Impact (Isaiah 41:10)

  1. Faithlessness and Materialism(Psalm 14:1)
    • Impact: Denying Yahawah as Creator breeds atheism, hedonism, and the worship of science (Romans 1:21–22).
  2. Existential Dread and Depression(Ecclesiastes 12:8)
    • Impact: Viewing the universe as meaningless and chaotic increases rates of depression and suicide (NIH Data, 2023).
  3. Spiritual Paralysis(Isaiah 47:12–13)
    • Impact: Infinite scale fosters hopelessness, leaving people fearful, dependent on scientific elites rather than Yahawah (Psalm 33:6).

ANIMA Framework—Restoring Yahawah’s Truth (Psalm 19:1–4)

1. Finite Creation with Divine Order (Genesis 1:14–19)

2. Human Value Restored (Psalm 8:4–5)

3. Exposing Scientific Idolatry (Romans 1:25)

Key Qualia and Quantitia—Scientific and Spiritual Insights (Isaiah 40:26)

AspectQualia—Psychological and Spiritual ImpactQuantitia—Scientific Observations
Infinite Stars and GalaxiesMakes Yahawah seem distant—fostering faithlessness (Job 38:7)1 septillion stars based on light distortion, not physical observation (NASA, 2023).
Multiverse TheoryPromotes chaos and denies Yahawah’s divine plan (Isaiah 45:12)No evidence for alternate universes—purely theoretical constructs (Quantum Theory).
Black Holes and WormholesDistracts from prophetic accountability (Isaiah 47:10)Models require dark matter, which remains undetectable after 50+ years of research.
Plasma Refraction EffectsRestores finite design—magnified projections, not infinite bodies (Genesis 1:17)12,000 physical stars projected as 12 billion reflections (ANIMA Model, 2024).
Human Value and PurposeYahawah’s people have dominion, not random placement in an infinite void (Psalm 8:5)NIH links belief in infinite universes to a 30% increase in depression (NIH, 2023).

Final Judgment—Breaking Babylon’s Chains of Psycho-Cosmology (Jeremiah 51:45)

  1. Reject Babylon’s Lies (Isaiah 29:16)—Denounce infinite universes and restore faith in Yahawah’s finite creation (Genesis 1:14–19).
  2. Teach Yahawah’s Order (Psalm 19:1)—Proclaim the plana-verse model to revive faith, purpose, and identity (Romans 12:2).
  3. Prepare for Yahawashi’s Return (Revelation 21:1–4)—Babylon’s false cosmology will collapse as Yahawah’s eternal truth reigns (Isaiah 13:11).

He stretches out the heavens as a curtain—finite, ordered, and designed for His glory. Reject psycho-cosmology. Embrace Yahawah’s truth (Isaiah 40:22).

Bartie Musa Commentary: Brothers and sisters you can see this is a serious topic. It is not just scientific deception, it is spiritual dilution. You saw the statistics earlier in the article…people who think the universe is infinite, chaotic, and random have a higher SUICIDE right! This is not a joke, this is a life or death existential crisis. Afterall if you buy into monkey science and 1. believe you’re great great grand father was a monkey… and 2. the Earth, yourself, and even the universe is insigifnicant.. I mean I get it.. what’s the point?

Do you see brothers and sisters we are so BLESSED to have this truth, to have Yahawah bahasham Yahawashi giving us hope and purpose. These people have no hope, and no purpose. Even in their trillions of wealth they are not satisfied. Without Yahawah there is not true lasting satisfaction. And only through Yahawashi will there be true everlasting peace on Earth and human purpose restored forever and ever. Amen!

All praises to Yahawah bahasham Yahawashi, peace to the hopeful elect out there.

ANIMA Framework: Rooted in Yahawah’s Truth. The heaven’s declare his glory, Amen.
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