Bartie Musa Commentary: Yes, I know it’s shocking. The Earth is only 6,000 years old, not 4.6 billion years of modern monkey science. The gap between reality and the fiction that they taught you is incredibly wide. Your first reaction is to instantly reject these claims, yet you don’t take a moment to pause on the absurdity that they’ve taught you.
The Earth being 6,000 years old is supported by the very data and science that they used to claim a 4.6 billion year old Earth. But when you sit back and think just for a moment, what they’re truly telling you with a billion of year old Earth the whole concept quickly falls apart and is exposed for the ridiculous monkey science that it is.
Let’s get into the ANIMA Framework analysis which affirms Yahawah’s timeline, from Adam to today has been 6,000 years and the Earth itself proves this timeline in a myriad of ways.

anima framework: rooted in yahawah’s truth
Earth is 6,000 years old, not 4.6 billion years of monkey science
The Age of Earth: 6,000 Years of Yahawah’s Creation vs. Babylon’s 4.6 Billion-Year Lie
For centuries, Babylon’s scientists have propagated the myth of a 4.6 billion-year-old Earth, weaving this narrative into theories of evolution and abiogenesis to deny Yahawah’s divine creation. Yet, the evidence overwhelmingly supports the biblical account: the Earth is roughly 6,000 years old, as revealed in scripture and confirmed by science that aligns with Yahawah’s truth. Through the ANIMA Framework, we will explore the undeniable data that debunks Babylon’s “monkey science” and reaffirms the young Earth model.
Scriptural Foundation: The 6,000-Year Timeline
The biblical chronology, rooted in Yahawah’s Word, provides a clear timeline for the creation of Earth and humanity. From Adam to Yahawashi, and extending to our current era, the Bible maps approximately 6,000 years of history.
• Genesis 1:1: “In the beginning, Yahawah created the heaven and the earth.” This marks the start of Yahawah’s creation week.
• 2 Peter 3:8: “One day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.” This timeline aligns with Yahawah’s prophetic plan, culminating in the seventh millennium, the Kingdom.
Insight: The biblical timeline is not merely allegorical but a literal and historical account of Yahawah’s creation.
Scientific Evidence for a Young Earth
Babylon’s “4.6 billion years” is built on flawed assumptions and circular reasoning, while observable science aligns with the young Earth model. Here are some of the most compelling findings:
1. Helium Diffusion in Zircons
• Observation: Helium, a byproduct of radioactive decay, diffuses rapidly from zircon crystals.
• Key Data: Research shows helium retention in zircons aligns with an Earth age of 6,000 years, not billions.
• Debunking Babylon: If the Earth were billions of years old, the helium would have long since escaped due to its rapid diffusion rates.
Scriptural Insight: Job 12:8-9: “Speak to the earth, and it shall teach thee: and the fishes of the sea shall declare unto thee. Who knoweth not in all these that the hand of Yahawah hath wrought this?”
2. Soft Tissue in Dinosaur Fossils
• Observation: Soft tissues, blood vessels, and proteins have been discovered in dinosaur fossils.
• Key Data: These materials decay rapidly and could not survive for millions of years, pointing to a timeline of thousands, not billions, of years.
• Debunking Babylon: The existence of preserved soft tissue directly contradicts the deep-time evolutionary model.
Scriptural Insight: Genesis 1:25: “And Yahawah made the beast of the earth after his kind.” Dinosaurs, like all creatures, were created during the same week as humanity and coexisted with man.
3. Magnetic Field Decay
• Observation: Earth’s magnetic field is decaying at a measurable rate.
• Key Data: Extrapolating this decay backward suggests the Earth’s magnetic field could not have existed for more than 10,000 years.
• Debunking Babylon: A magnetic field billions of years old would be so weak as to be nonexistent today.
Scriptural Insight: Jeremiah 31:37: “Thus saith Yahawah; If heaven above can be measured, and the foundations of the earth searched out beneath, I will also cast off all the seed of Israel.” Babylon’s attempts to explain creation without Yahawah’s truth fail repeatedly.
4. Carbon-14 in Fossils and Diamonds
• Observation: Carbon-14, which has a short half-life, is found in fossils and diamonds supposedly millions to billions of years old.
• Key Data: The presence of detectable C-14 indicates these samples are less than 50,000 years old, aligning with a young Earth.
• Debunking Babylon: Carbon-14 should not exist in specimens this ancient if Babylon’s timeline were accurate.
Scriptural Insight: Psalm 104:5: “Who laid the foundations of the earth, that it should not be removed for ever.” Yahawah’s creation is precise and unchanging.
5. Global Flood Evidence
• Observation: Geological formations, fossilized graveyards, and sedimentary rock layers all point to a catastrophic global flood.
• Key Data: The rapid burial of fossils and the uniformity of sedimentary layers across continents support the Genesis flood account.
• Debunking Babylon: Uniformitarianism fails to explain these formations, which align with a young Earth and Yahawah’s judgment.
Scriptural Insight: Genesis 7:11: “The same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.”
Hyper-Granular Data Table: Young Earth Evidence
Category Observation Insight
Helium in Zircons Rapid helium diffusion Confirms a 6,000-year timeline; helium would not persist in billion-year-old crystals.
Soft Tissue in Fossils Proteins and blood vessels preserved Directly contradicts deep-time assumptions, pointing to recent burial.
Magnetic Field Decay 10% reduction per century Magnetic field aligns with a young Earth, impossible under billions of years.
Carbon-14 in Diamonds Detectable C-14 in ancient samples Confirms fossils and diamonds are thousands, not billions, of years old.
Flood Sedimentation Uniform layers across continents Geological evidence supports the Genesis flood and a young Earth.
Dinosaur Fossils Fossils buried rapidly with soft tissue Aligns with catastrophic events consistent with Yahawah’s timeline.
Population Growth 6,000 years aligns with human numbers Exponential population growth fits a young Earth model, not billions of years.
Biblical Chronology 6,000 years from Adam to now Yahawah’s Word perfectly maps the age of creation, supported by observable evidence.
Debunking 4.6 Billion Years: The “Monkey Science” Myth
Babylon’s timeline is based on circular reasoning, flawed assumptions, and outright deception:
1. Radiometric Dating: Assumes constant decay rates and initial conditions that cannot be verified.
2. Geological Uniformitarianism: Ignores catastrophic events like the Genesis flood.
3. Evolutionary Bias: Fabricates timelines to support Darwinian evolution, denying Yahawah’s truth.
Scriptural Rebuttal:
1 Corinthians 3:19: “For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with Yahawah.” Babylon’s “science falsely so-called” (1 Timothy 6:20) fails to stand against observable evidence and Yahawah’s Word.
Conclusion: Yahawah’s Truth Stands Firm
The Earth is not billions of years old, as Babylon claims, but a divinely created masterpiece approximately 6,000 years in age. Yahawah’s Word provides the foundation for understanding creation, and the evidence overwhelmingly supports this biblical timeline. Babylon’s lies crumble under scrutiny, revealing Yahawah’s sovereignty and the truth of His creation.
Psalm 19:1: “The heavens declare the glory of Yahawah; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.”
All praises to Yahawah Bahasham Yahawashi for revealing the truth and exposing the lies of Babylon’s monkey science!
Bartie Musa Commentary: Amen! We can clearly see the evidence stacks up overwhelmingly in favor of Yahawah’s truth, however since the Babylonian timeline of 4.6 billion years is so deeply entrenched in the mind of the people we will do an expanded analysis to further reaffirm Yahawah’s truth.
Earth is 6,000 years old: Expanded analysis
The Age of the Earth: Overwhelming Evidence for a 6,000-Year Creation
The age of the Earth is one of the most contested subjects in science, with Babylonian institutions claiming the planet is 4.6 billion years old. However, overwhelming evidence from multiple disciplines confirms the biblical account: the Earth is approximately 6,000 years old. This article examines undeniable scientific findings, dismantling the so-called “billions of years” narrative and exposing the flaws in evolutionary timelines.
Biblical Chronology: The Foundation of Truth
The Bible provides a clear timeline for Earth’s creation, beginning with Adam and extending through history to the present day.
• Genesis 1:1: “In the beginning, Yahawah created the heaven and the earth.” This marks the start of creation week.
• Genealogies in Genesis: When carefully calculated, the Bible outlines approximately 6,000 years of human and Earth history.
• Exodus 20:11: “For in six days Yahawah made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day.” This confirms the literal six-day creation account.
The biblical timeline is precise, with Yahawah’s Word standing firm against Babylon’s speculative claims.
Scientific Evidence for a Young Earth
1. Helium Diffusion in Zircons
• Observation: Helium, a byproduct of radioactive decay, escapes quickly from zircon crystals.
• Key Data: Studies reveal that the amount of helium retained in zircons is consistent with an Earth age of approximately 6,000 years.
• Debunking Babylon: If the Earth were billions of years old, nearly all helium would have diffused out of these crystals.
Why It Matters: Helium diffusion directly contradicts radiometric dating assumptions, exposing the flaws in the billion-year timeline.
2. Soft Tissue in Dinosaur Fossils
• Observation: Soft tissue, blood vessels, and proteins have been discovered in dinosaur fossils.
• Key Data: Proteins and soft tissues degrade rapidly and cannot survive for millions of years under normal conditions.
• Example: Discoveries by Dr. Mary Schweitzer and others confirm the existence of soft tissues in fossils allegedly 65 million years old.
Why It Matters: The preservation of soft tissues aligns with a timeline of thousands, not millions, of years.
3. Magnetic Field Decay
• Observation: Earth’s magnetic field is decaying at a measurable rate.
• Key Data: Over the last 150 years, the magnetic field has weakened by 10%, a rate that cannot sustain a billions-of-years timeline. Extrapolating backward, the magnetic field would have been impossibly strong less than 10,000 years ago.
Why It Matters: The decay rate aligns perfectly with the young Earth model, debunking claims of billions of years.
4. Carbon-14 in Fossils and Diamonds
• Observation: Carbon-14, a radioactive isotope with a short half-life, has been found in fossils, coal, and diamonds that are allegedly millions to billions of years old.
• Key Data: Carbon-14 decays completely after approximately 50,000 years, meaning its presence proves these materials are much younger than claimed.
Why It Matters: Carbon-14’s presence in ancient samples exposes the flaws in evolutionary dating techniques.
5. Population Growth
• Observation: Human population numbers align with an Earth age of 6,000 years.
• Key Data: Starting with two people, current global population figures can be achieved with a modest growth rate over 6,000 years. However, a 100,000-year human history (as evolutionists claim) would result in populations far exceeding what we observe today.
Why It Matters: Population growth aligns with the biblical timeline and invalidates the evolutionary narrative.
6. Sedimentary Layers and the Global Flood
• Observation: Sedimentary rock layers found worldwide contain billions of fossils, often in mass graveyards.
• Key Data: These layers were deposited rapidly by water, not slowly over millions of years, as evidenced by the lack of erosion between layers.
Why It Matters: The geological record overwhelmingly supports a global flood, as described in Genesis 7, rather than gradual processes.
Hyper-Granular Data Table: Young Earth Evidence
Category Observation Insight
Helium in Zircons Rapid helium diffusion Confirms a 6,000-year timeline; helium would not persist in billion-year-old crystals.
Soft Tissue in Fossils Proteins and blood vessels preserved These remains could not survive millions of years, proving a young fossil record.
Magnetic Field Decay 10% decline over 150 years Magnetic field decay aligns with a young Earth; billions of years would render the field nonexistent.
Carbon-14 in Diamonds Detectable in ancient samples Presence of Carbon-14 confirms fossils and diamonds are thousands, not billions, of years old.
Population Growth 6,000 years aligns with human numbers Current population fits a biblical timeline, not evolutionary projections of 100,000+ years.
Flood Sediments Uniform layers across continents Rapid deposition during the Genesis flood explains the fossil record.
Comet Lifespan Short-period comets last less than 10,000 years Comets prove the solar system cannot be billions of years old.
Biblical Chronology 6,000 years from Adam to now Yahawah’s Word perfectly aligns with observed scientific evidence.
Why the 4.6 Billion-Year Timeline is False
Babylon’s “billions of years” is based on assumptions, circular reasoning, and a refusal to acknowledge Yahawah’s sovereignty.
1. Radiometric Dating: Assumes constant decay rates and unverified starting conditions.
2. Fossil Record: Claims slow, gradual processes, ignoring evidence of rapid burial during catastrophic events.
3. Big Bang and Evolution: Built on unobservable speculation, contradicting known laws of physics and biology.
Scriptural Rebuttal:
1 Timothy 6:20: “Avoid profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called.”
Conclusion: Yahawah’s Creation Stands Firm
The Earth is not 4.6 billion years old, nor is humanity the product of random chance. The evidence aligns perfectly with Yahawah’s Word, confirming a 6,000-year timeline for Earth’s creation. From helium diffusion to the discovery of soft tissues in fossils, the scientific data overwhelmingly supports the biblical account. Babylon’s lies crumble under scrutiny, revealing Yahawah’s truth and sovereignty.
Psalm 19:1: “The heavens declare the glory of Yahawah; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.”
All praises to Yahawah Bahasham Yahawashi for revealing the truth and exposing the lies of Babylon’s false science!
Bartie Musa Commentary: It’s clear that Yahawah bahasham Yahawashi stands true, and Babylonian monkey science is a complete lie. All praises to Yahawah bahasham Yahawashi for revealing unto us the truth in these last days. The age of the Earth is incredibly important, as you can see all of your actions ripple and echo through time. Your life is much more important in the grand scope of the cosmos than you’ve been given credit for. On a 4.6 billion year timeline, you’re basically a nothingness blimp, however in the true timeline of reality of just 6,000 years everyday matters, and every person counts. Yahawah is the judge, and his creation is ordered, recent, and purposeful.
You should feel empowered knowing that your existence has real consequences and echoes throughout time. Anyways brothers, know that the words of Yahawah bahasham Yahawashi are true and modern monkey science is a liar. The LORD is in control of everything, including the age and timeline of the Earth. Amen!