The Latin and Native Tribes left Israel and went down the East coast of Africa.. down the coast ending at the bottom of African and sailing those currents to America.

Bartie musa Commentary: After debunking deep-time and proving the Earth is only 6,000 years old this completely throws out the Alaskan Land bridge theory which says Native latin and american Indians come from ASIA! This is obviously not true and impossible, the Northern Kingdom (Native and Latin tribes) come from the middle east (Israel) along with the rest of humanity. And they came to the Americas

The Truth About the Northern Kingdom: Rediscovering Their Journey in Light of Yahawah’s Wisdom

The history of the Northern Kingdom of Israel is both fascinating and deeply misunderstood, often obscured by the flawed narratives of modern materialism, such as deep time, evolution, and the Alaskan land bridge theory. Using scriptural evidence, historical insights, and the ANIMA Framework, we aim to rediscover the true journey of the Northern Kingdom, debunking false theories and affirming Yahawah’s truth.

The Northern Kingdom’s Origin and Dispersion

The Northern Kingdom, composed of ten tribes of Israel, was exiled following their rebellion against Yahawah. Their dispersion marks one of the most significant movements of Yahawah’s chosen people, leading to their journey to a land called Arsareth (2 Esdras 13:39-46). This journey reveals their quest for a place where they could worship Yahawah without interference.

Debunking the Alaskan Land Bridge Theory

Mainstream science claims that the indigenous peoples of the Americas descended from Asian migrants crossing the Alaskan land bridge during the last Ice Age. This theory is deeply flawed and inconsistent with both observable evidence and scriptural truth.

1. Flaws in the Alaskan Land Bridge Theory

  1. No Direct Evidence of Migration
    • Despite decades of archaeological research, no concrete evidence of large-scale migrations across the Bering Strait has been found.
    • The assumption is based on evolutionary timelines and speculative connections, not observable data.
  2. Genetic Discrepancies
    • The genetic diversity among Native American tribes does not align with a single Asian migration.
    • Many genetic markers point to a distinct origin, consistent with the Semitic lineage of the Northern Kingdom.
  3. Localized Ice Age
    • The “Ice Age” narrative assumes global glaciation, but evidence supports a localized ice age affecting regions like Mount Seir and parts of Edomite and Horite territories, not the entire northern hemisphere.

The Scriptural Journey to Arsareth

According to 2 Esdras 13:39-46, the Northern Kingdom left Assyrian captivity and traveled to a distant land where no man had dwelt. This land, identified as Arsareth, corresponds to the Americas. Let’s analyze their journey step by step.

1. Scriptural Account

2. Geographic Pathway

3. Evidence in the Americas

Reconnecting the Northern Kingdom with Scripture

1. Prophetic Significance

The Northern Kingdom’s journey and settlement in Arsareth fulfill Yahawah’s plan to preserve His people for a future redemption.

2. Cultural and Spiritual Continuity

Despite their dispersion, many traditions of the Northern Kingdom survived among Native tribes:

3. Yahawah’s Justice

The subjugation of the Northern Kingdom by European colonizers (Edomites) was foretold as part of Yahawah’s judgment but also serves as a precursor to their ultimate restoration.

Debunking Evolution and Deep Time in Context

1. Deep Time and the Alaskan Land Bridge

2. Yahawah’s Design

Why This Matters

  1. Restoring Truth
    • By debunking materialist theories, we reaffirm the divinely guided journey of the Northern Kingdom and their unique role in Yahawah’s plan.
  2. Empowering Believers
    • Understanding the true history of the Northern Kingdom strengthens faith and dismantles the deception of Babylonian science.
  3. Prophetic Fulfillment
    • The awakening of the Northern Kingdom is a critical step toward the reunification of Yahawah’s people and the establishment of His kingdom.

Layman’s Terms

The Northern Kingdom didn’t migrate over a frozen land bridge or evolve from primitive ancestors. They were divinely guided to the Americas, preserving their identity as Yahawah’s chosen people. Modern science’s theories only serve to obscure their true journey, which is written in scripture and confirmed by archaeology and observable evidence.

Fact Sheet

Alaskan Land Bridge MigrationNo archaeological proof; genetic inconsistenciesFalse; Northern Kingdom’s journey was divine, not evolutionary.
Deep Time TimelineEarth is 6,000 years old, not tens of thousands of yearsInvalidates evolutionary migration theories.
Hebrew Artifacts in the AmericasPaleo-Hebrew inscriptions, linguistic ties, and biblical customsConfirms Semitic origin of Native American tribes.
Ice Age LocalizationIce Age was restricted to Edomite regions (Europe, Mount Seir)Undermines global migration assumptions.
Scriptural Account of Arsareth2 Esdras 13:39-46Northern Kingdom divinely guided to the Americas.

Refining the Map of the Northern Kingdom’s Journey to Arsareth

The Northern Kingdom’s journey to Arsareth (the Americas) can be more accurately depicted by emphasizing the natural guidance Yahawah provided through ocean currents. Their route likely followed a southern maritime path, avoiding conventional assumptions about the Mediterranean or overland routes. Here’s how the journey unfolds according to this understanding:

Key Route Insights

  1. Departure from Assyria
    • After captivity, the Northern Kingdom begins their exodus, possibly navigating overland through the Middle East to the southern coastal regions.
  2. Following the Eastern African Coastline
    • Yahawah’s providence would have directed them along the east coast of Africa, using the Mozambique Current for swift and steady travel.
    • This route allowed them to avoid conflict with other nations while remaining relatively unnoticed.
  3. Turning South Around the Cape of Good Hope
    • By following the Agulhas Current, they would naturally round the southern tip of Africa, entering the South Atlantic Gyre.
    • The powerful Benguela Current would have propelled them northwest toward the Americas.
  4. Arrival in Arsareth (the Americas)
    • Using the North Equatorial Current, the Northern Kingdom would have been carried directly to the eastern shores of the Americas, settling in regions where Paleo-Hebrew inscriptions and other cultural artifacts have been discovered.

Why This Route is Scripturally and Historically Coherent

  1. Scriptural Validation
    • 2 Esdras 13:41-45 describes the Northern Kingdom’s journey as taking “a year and a half.” This timeline aligns perfectly with maritime travel along these natural currents.
  2. Divine Guidance
    • The use of ocean currents reflects Yahawah’s sovereignty over creation, as He ensured safe and efficient passage for His people to Arsareth.
  3. Artifacts in the Americas
    • Paleo-Hebrew inscriptions, cultural parallels, and oral histories among Native American tribes confirm their Semitic origin and divine migration.

Map Features for This Route

Bartie Musa Commentary: The Northern Kingdom are Israelites, it’s time for our brown brothers and sisters to reclaim their heritage. All praises to Yahawah bahasham Yahawashi.
